Young and the Restless Message Board


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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Fri, 12-Jan-2024 5:11:08 PM PST
Where: Young and the Restless Message Board
For the week of Jan 15th

Monday Jan 15th
Sharon catches Nick off guard with an unexpected announcement; Devon and Billy put their differences aside; Chance comes clean with Summer.

Tuesday Jan 16th
Nikki receives some sobering news; Heather keeps a secret from Daniel; Phyllis pushes Christine's buttons

Wednesday Jan 17th
Victor shares words of wisdom with Victoria; Jack and Lauren work together to help Nikki; Christine loses patience with Danny.

Thursday Jan 18th
Jack makes a promise to Nikki; Audra protects her interests; Tucker antagonizes Kyle.

Friday Jan 19th
Victor interrogates Cole; Lauren helps Nikki keep a secret; Ashley backs Tucker into a corner.

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