Young and the Restless Message Board


The show is unwatchable and has been for quite sometime. They

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Tue, 05-Mar-2024 11:01:20 AM PST
Where: Young and the Restless Message Board
In reply to: March Y&R Post posted by Leia
really need to fire Josh Griffith. He's terrible. None of the stories are compelling. This Phyllis/Danny/Christine triangle is embarrassing for all involved. Phyllis looks like a complete idiot here. The flirty, breathless, batting of eyelashes is so old. This characters is in her 50s. Knock it off.

I can't even take Jordan in that ridiculous wig, so I FF all those scenes.

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