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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sun, 26-May-2024 4:25:12 PM PDT
Where: Young and the Restless Message Board
For the week of May 27th

Monday May 27th(Memorial Day)
Victor makes a decision about Jordan's future; Chelsea takes matters into her own hands; Ashley's alters interfere with her treatment.

Tuesday May 28th
Diane worries about Jack's sobriety; Chelsea makes a tough decision; Summer gives Claire the benefit of the doubt.

Wednesday May 29th
Victor controls the narrative about Jordan; Jill shares alarming news with Billy; Sally makes a power move.

Thursday May 30th
Diane gives Jack an ultimatum about Nikki; Ashley and Traci arrive in Paris; Tucker has an unexpected encounter.

Friday May 31st
Victor holds Michael accountable for his actions; Jack and Nikki reach an understanding; Summer calls a truce with Sally.

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