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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sat, 08-Jun-2024 9:02:14 PM PDT
Where: Young and the Restless Message Board
For the week of June 10th

Monday June 10th
Victor hold Cole and Michael accountable for their actions; Ashley travels outside her comfort zone; Audra experiences a professional setback.

Tuesday June 11th
Victor reveals a new business strategy to the family; Nikki confides in Lauren; Adam experiences déjà vu with Victoria.

Wednesday June 12th
Victor and Nikki share a difference of opinion about her connection with Jack; Claire lets her guard down with Kyle; Nick questions Victoria about her future plans.

Thursday June 13th
Cole and Victoria revisit their past; Audra has a rude awakening; Summer struggles co-parenting with Kyle

Friday June 14th
Victor retaliates against Jack; Billy turns on the charm with Lily; Diane settles unfinished business with Nikki.

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