Young and the Restless Message Board


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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sun, 13-Oct-2024 9:50:55 PM PDT
Where: Young and the Restless Message Board
For the week of Oct 14th

Monday Oct 14th(Canadian Thanksgiving)
Victor retaliates against Jack and Diane; Billy and Sally make a pact; Audra lets her guard down from Nate.

Tuesday Oct 15th
Sharon sends Nick mixed signals; Phyllis takes control; Jill gives Billy an ultimatum.

Wednesday Oct 16th
Victor recruits Adam in his revenge plot against Billy; Chance finds shocking evidence; Jack conspires with Audra.

Thursday Oct 17th
Kyle makes a dangerous deal with Victor; Daniel finds himself in a compromising position; tension builds between Jack and Diane.

Friday Oct 18th
"The Young and the Restless" celebrates the 30th anniversary of Michelle Stafford's debut as Phyllis Summers.

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