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All My Children Update for Monday, 4-Jul-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Tue, 05-Jul-2005 5:30:26 PM PDT

Greenlee is ready to tell Ryan her "joyous" secret, very certain he will be as happy as she is to discover she is pregnant. Kendall and Zach overhear their conversation, assume they are arguing over Ryan's discovering Greenlee's secret and that he might be ready to hurt her. Ryan and Greenlee tell Kendall and Zach that they are fine and they should mind their own business.

Adam informs JR that Babe has some "theory" about "Dixie" being a fake. JR does not know whom to believe. He realizes his father might stop at nothing in attempting to keep him away from his mother and might be making the whole thing up.

At the 4th of July party, Tad, Adam, Opal, Palmer, Joe, Ruth, JR and Di/Dixie are all there. But they cannot stop arguing.

Jack takes Reggie and Lily to a picnic. Sam is there with Brooke. Danielle is there with Derek, Livia, Mimi and her fiance. Mimi's fiance introduces himself to Danielle as her new father. That sets her off and she tells him that Derek is her father and her mother and future stepfather have no right to expect anything from her. Livia agrees and tells Mimi she is selfish toward her daughter and cannot expect anything from her after abandoning her.

Reggie and Danielle go off. But Danielle overhears Livia reminding Mimi that she didn't want Danielle when she was a baby and questioned whether Derek was Danielle's real father. Hearing that, Danielle isolates from Reggie and goes off by herself. SHe meets Josh Madden and drinks. Sam drinks while with Lily. Reggie catches him and confronts him.

Opal and Ruth lock Tad in a room with Di/Dixie in the hopes that they will get back together.

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