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All My Children Update for Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Wed, 27-Jul-2005 6:54:01 PM PDT

Amanda injures JR in his “privates”. But he tells her he won’t let her intimidate him. He has the goods on her.

Outside Amanda’s hospital room, Jamie informs Babe that there is something she doesn’t know about Amanda that will shock her. Babe does not assume it can be that bad. She realizes Amanda has made some mistakes. But she’s a fine one to judge her. Yes, she did a bad thing sleeping with JR. Jamie tells Babe that Amanda is in love with him. Hearing that, Babe admits that that is a little too much to take knowing that Amanda professes to be her friend.

Jack gets Greenlee some room service breakfast. She tells him she’s not hungry. He asks her if there’s anything he can get for her. Greenlee tells him that Kendall is getting a disk from Zach of her last night with Ryan. Jack tells her he’s afraid that having it might upset her more. But she tells her father she wants to have something to remember Ryan by. He tells her he will look into getting it for her. He also tells her that Reggie and Lily want to see her. They come in and talk. Lily gets “graphic” about Ryan’s tragic death and indicates that Ryan’s ghost might be out there just like she thought Edmund Gray’s ghost was at his abandoned house when she was there with Sam. Greenlee tells her younger brother and sister that she’s having a baby. They are both happy for her. Lily obviously assumes Greenlee got pregnant the old fashioned way and tells Greenlee that she and Ryan must have had good sex.

Erica goes to find Zach when Ryan is hiding in his office. Ryan hides himself from Erica. She tells Zach she knows that his entire place is covered with surveillance cameras. She admits that she saw the broken shelf and knows Ryan lost his temper. It must be on disk and she wants it. She tells Zach that she knows he uses things like that to hurt people. And she’s not going to let him use that against Ryan when he’s dead. She asks him to hand over the surveillance disk. Jack then comes in and asks Zach not to do that. He just came from talking to Greenlee about having the “happy memories” but now knows that it was not quite like that.

Tad tells Di/Dixie that he knows all about the boyfriend she had who got into lots of trouble himself and for whom she went to prison when she refused to testify against him. He tells her that he believes there’s a lot more to this story than that. She must be afraid of him when somebody tried to kill her the night she got out of prison. That must also be the reason why she went to David. She protests that Kevin is not a dangerous man nor a threat to anybody. He tells her it’s not a “request”. He cannot let this dude put her family, especially little Adam, in danger.

Amanda tells JR that she knows she will get what she wants. She tells him she just about has Jamie wrapped around her little finger. He’s been right by her side throughout the whole time she’s been in the hospital, But JR reveals that he knows how she overdosed. He picks up the empty bottle of her mother’s medication and tells her that when Jamie finds out how she got herself put in the hospital, he will dump her like yesterday’s garbage.

Jamie tells Babe that once Amanda is out of the hospital, she is out of their lives and on her own.

JR taunts Amanda about how he can hand the medication bottle over to Joe and he can do a tox-screen and come up with a match. Does she think Jamie will be there to rescue her when they confirm that she intentionally drugged herself just to get his attention? But she gets the medication bottle out of his hands by biting him and flushes it down the toilet.

Zach tells Erica and Jack that Greenlee has asked for the disks because she had a romantic night with Ryan. Erica tells them both that Greenlee has the right to decide if she wants the disk and have it if she wants it. Zach shows Jack and Erica a preview of what is on the disk so that they can see the “memories” that Greenlee will have to live with for the rest of her life. They see Ryan backing Greenlee up against the wall and aiming his fist at her. Erica is shocked and horrified. Ryan is right outside the door watching them watching what he did. Oh, my Lord! There’s one more reason for Ryan to stay dead. Erica always had such a high opinion of him. Now watching her witness something like that might make him not ever want to face her again.

Di/Dixie tells Tad that Kevin was a very kind man and she never talked to him about his business. She says he was driven, brilliant and funny. He asks why she never had any conversations about his business throughout the time they were together. She tells him Kevin was never violent. He tells her he did not need to be. He had people to pay to do it for him. She tells Tad when she was subpoena’d, she knew that the prosecution was trying to wrongfully accuse Kevin. So she refused to testify because she really believed that he was innocent. He asks her why she’d get herself thrown in prison for a year. And because they could not pin the indictment against him, he gets away scott free. He asks her why she assumed Kevin was innocent. She replies that she loved him.

Joe tells Jamie that he did an excellent job with Amanda. He tells him he has a gift. He tells him he’s not asking him to comply with Phoebe’s manipulative will. But he wants Jamie to work with him to assist him at the hospital. Right then, Palmer enters and tells Joe that he hopes he has not offered Jamie a job. He reminds Joe that Pine Valley hospital does not hire criminals.

Amanda tells JR that nobody will buy that she drugged herself. He drugged Babe. He tried to kill Jamie. Both Babe and Jamie believe he’s threatening her. So they’ll believe her word over his. He is still not ready to concede. But she tells him nobody will stop her from having the life she wants with Jamie. Right then, Babe goes in to have a “talk” with Amanda. JR leaves them alone to talk. Babe asks Amanda why she did not tell her “best friend” that she is in love with Jamie.

Reggie and Lily talk to Greenlee about her baby. Lily tells Greenlee that she noticed that Ryan died so suddenly just like Edmund Gray. She tells her when she was with Sam, she could sense Edmund’s ghost and maybe Ryan’s ghost is ever present. Reggie doesn’t want to get into this conversation but Greenlee seems to believe what Lily is saying.

At Zach’s office, after seeing the horrifying disk where Ryan almost beat Greenlee, Erica and Jack agree that Zach needs to throw it in the incinerator. He agrees to do that. They go out the door and he tells Ryan he may come out now. Zach tells Ryan he does not know what he wants. First he wants to be dead. Then he wants to escape and make himself known by everybody. He asks Zach why Dr. Madden came to examine Greenlee. Zach tells Ryan he no longer gets to care about Greenlee. Ryan tells Zach he needs to make it very clear that he will always love Greenlee.

Di/Dixie admits that she lied to David about needing his help. She knew that she could somehow get a free pass to JR. She was not afraid of anything. He asks her about Kevin. She protests that Kevin wanted to stand by her and visited her in prison every day. She says she would not let him stand by her. That’s why he gave up. He informs her that Kevin fled to the other end of the globe and took the money with him. He asks her why she cared about a man who only wanted to save his own ass and have her rot away in prison. She tells Tad she knows that his concern about Kevin is not out of concern for little Adam. He wants to know about the “other man” in her life.

Palmer tells Jamie that he is a criminal because he stole a child. Jamie tells Palmer he has a clear conscience and knows he did what he had to do for the right reason. Palmer tells him that’s a nice speech but as director of the hospital board, he can have him removed from this hospital.

Amanda successfully convinces Babe that she did not intend to take Jamie from her. She just had a fleeting crush. She is not in love with Jamie. She’s just in love with the “idea” of Jamie. The way he loves Babe and is willing to give up everything for her. She tells Babe that is some kind of love. Babe agrees to still be friends with Amanda. But she reveals she is upset about something. Amanda asks her to share. She tells Amanda that Jamie has given up everything for her. And she hates it. She’s told him so many tiems to dump her and live the life he should be living. Amanda encourages Babe to know that Jamie would never dump her. He loves her too much. And Babe must never let him go.

JR taunts Jamie about how he’s letting his life go down the toilet. Palmer reminds them that another board member told him that after his wife gave birth, she saw Jamie loitering in the hallway and was terrified that he would steal her baby. Joe protests that as chief of staff, he can hire whomever he wants. Palmer reminds Joe that he might be putting his own job in jeopardy if he fights him on that. Jamie then agrees to decline Joe’s offer to have him work with him.

Di/Dixie admits to Tad that she got together with Kevin in order to forget about her old life. She had a new name, a new life and a new love. He asks her if she was happy. She admits that it did not play out the way she wanted. She thought that Kevin gave her the perfect escape. But when she saw Tad coming to visit Krystal, everything stopped. And she realized, whatever she felt for Kevin was no longer there.

Erica protests to Jack that he must realize that Ryan did not mean to hurt Greenlee. He made efforts to get help. But Jack does not buy that. Reggie, Lily and Greenlee join them. Greenlee asks Jack and Erica if they got the disk. At that point, they do not know what to tell her.

Ryan asks Zach why Dr. Madden was examining his wife. Zach tells Ryan that Greenlee had a bit of a rough time. Her husband died. But Greenlee and the baby are fine, all things considered. He asks Ryan if he wants to see her, tell her he’s alive and everything is alright, and take her in his arms and tell her he loves her.

After Palmer tells him he wants him out of the hospital, Jamie tries to put up a good fight but it’s obvious he’s very upset. Babe reveals that she is not ok with what this is doing to him. Amanda listens to the whole thing and looks very satisfied.

Di/Dixie goes out the door after telling Tad that she’s told him everything he needs to know about Kevin. She tells him it’s over and she’d like to forget about it. Before she goes out the door, Tad reminds her that he thought she wanted to talk about little Adam’s christening. But for some odd reason, she doesn’t want to discuss that and goes out the door.

Ryan tells Zach that he loves Greenlee but knows he cannot go back. So he concludes to Zach that he will leave tonight, just as planned.

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