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All My Children Update for Friday, 29-Jul-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sat, 30-Jul-2005 9:53:19 AM PDT

When the bank robbers grab Dixie, Tad tells them they can have the watch but must let her go. The dude who’s grabbed her says he will keep both the watch and her and he throws it. Krystal urges Tad to not risk getting them all killed and just do what they say. Tad tells the guy holding Dixie that he must let her go and instead they can take him.

Greenlee goes to the crash site where Ryan went off the cliff with his motorcycle. David and Jack appear. Jack introduces the lieutenant to Greenlee. David tells the cop that they did a lousy job in their search when no trace of Ryan has showed up. Wonder why? Maybe because he ain’t dead!

In Zach’s office, Ryan looks through the CDs to find what he may have on Greenlee. Zach replies that he gave the CDs to Jackson. Ryan says he must still find whatever CDs show Greenlee grieving.

Reggie and Lily are in the casino playing cards for pretzels. He asks her to stop talking about ghosts to Greenlee. But Lily says she believes there really are ghosts.

The lieutenant tells Jack and David that they’ve already been over this terrain a dozen times. They tell him to go over it a dozen more times. David then tells them they need to hear what Greenlee has to say. Greenlee tells them to call off the search party. Finding Ryan is not the same as saving him. She needs to say good-bye to her deceased husband.

At the bank, the thug holding Dixie tells Tad that Dixie is coming with them. They order everybody on the floor. And they say that when they are gone, they don’t want any sirens. But Tad fights them. He wrestles with the guy who grabbed Dixie. Adam pulls the gun out of the hand of the other one and a shot fires at the ceiling.

After Greenlee calls off the search party, Jack and David tell her she did the right thing. She tells them that Zach was right in telling her even if they found Ryan, he would not be the same Ryan she knew. She tells them she does not want closure. She always wants to remember Ryan. And her memory is right there with her baby.

Zach tells Ryan that it will not do him any good to have disks of Greenlee. Ryan would certainly know not to go back to his house and find old love letters and put them in his pocket because that would expose him. He tells Ryan that he needs to do this right. That means after nightfall, nobody will never see Ryan again. He needs to stop thinking about Greenlee. Ryan must go away without hanging onto any more memories of her. Otherwise, it will destroy her.

Lily protests to Reggie that she believes that Ryan’s ghost is out there and Greenlee needs to talk to him. He tells her that he does not believe in ghosts. People say they see and hear them. But it’s just something they create because they are desperate. She tells him she believes she sensed Edmund’s ghost and Wild wind. He tells her she can believe whatever she wants but cannot say that around Greenlee. But she still will not give up in believing in ghosts. Right then, Danielle enters and Lily asks her if she believes in ghosts. Dani tells Lily she will talk to her about that later but would like to talk to Reggie. She offers him condolences for what happened to Greenlee and Ryan and tells him she wants to talk to him.

The thugs flee the bank and Adam is only concerned that they did not steal his $10,000. Dixie yells at Tad for his foolishness in fighting them. Right then, Alfred noticed blood on the floor. Tad knows that he got shot in the arm. He makes a joke that he left his bulletproof cape at the cleaners.

Ryan tells Zach that a few souvenirs of his wife are not going to screw him up and Zach believes he cannot pull it off because he (Zach) failed. Zach reflects that it’s like surgery. You have to sever yourself from everybody you knew and all your memories. And if you hang onto anything from the past, you will fail, like he did. He reminds Ryan that he ripped Greenlee’s heart apart and must now walk away because there’s nothing he can do to make her feel better.

Jack tells Greenlee that it will take time to heal. She says she knows and realizes it’s not just herself right now. She doesn’t plan to bury herself in grief because there’s another life she must consider and it’s not good for the baby. She tells Jack and David that a part of her feels weirdly calm and she does not understand why that is. She tells them that she needs to go somewhere alone. She says she is not alone wherever she goes. It’s her and her baby. She assures them she will be ok and departs.

Zach tells Ryan that this is it. He needs to keep his head down. He tells him he can no longer be the hero. If he sees someone in trouble, he cannot help them. No media or publicity. No jobs with background checks. And he asks Ryan to do him another favor. No more driving by to see Greenlee walk out the door to her car. No more phone calls to hear her say hello. He cannot do that. Ryan says if Zach has nothing more to say, he’s going and they must be very happy never to see each other again. He says thank you to Zach and goes out the door. But he has NO INTENTION of listening to a word he’s said!

Noticing Tad has been injured, Dixie tells him he could be losing a quart of blood. Krystal agrees that he needs to think before doing anything like that. Adam tells him he’s an idiot. Dixie makes him sit down. She and Krystal take his jacket off and notice he’s bleeding pretty severely. Dixie asks if anybody has a knife. Adam says only if she plans to amputate. Tad tells the two women that it’s not that bad and they need not fuss. Krystal demands that Adam gives her the handkerchief in his pocket so she can stop the bleeding. Observing Dixie’s obsession, he tells her he can see why she was a patient advocate instead of a nurse. He jokes about her home remedies with moonshine and curling irons. She protests that her home remedies worked. Krystal tells Adam she needs the money he promised her. He tells her she better earn it as they’ve agreed. He gives her the money and she tells him she has an important meeting. The cops ask her not to go. Adam tells them she has 10,000 reasons to leave.

At the casino, Danielle tells Reggie that if she’d known what was going on with him, she would have behaved differently. He tells her she should save that for somebody who cares. Garette comes and tries to intervene. He tells Reggie he’d like to talk to him privately. He tells Reggie that he knows he does not respect him. Reggie asks if there’s any particular reason why he should. He tells Reggie realizes that Dani has had more wealth and privilege than he has had. Reggie can think whatever he wants of her. But he must never disrespect her.

Greenlee goes back to the gazebo by the ocean where she had her last romantic encounter with Ryan. She asks him to be there so she can see him and feel him near her. She asks him if she’s lost him forever. And wouldn’t you know? Ryan shows up behind her and spies upon her. Of course she cannot see him. But he can see her and remains unseen. She can, somehow sense that he is not far away, however. She tells him she knows she must get over it. She cannot be in for a lifetime of jumping every time a twig snaps. She then has a vision of them dancing together while music plays.

At Zach’s casino, a guy comes in and tells Zach they have a problem with a card counter who’s managed to take all their money. Zach has no clue who this mysterious person is and tells the guy he doesn’t want to be bothered with it. He asks the guy to escort this person to the door and congratulate them. But the guy tells him it’s a young lady who claims to be his sister. He lets Lily in. She greets Zach and tells him she is his sister. He confirms that she is, by marriage. He tells the guy he must be more “careful” or else the gaming casino can shut them down. She took way too many pretzels. She’s too good of a card counter. She just took them for $105,000!

When the cops and medical staff come to take care of Tad after he’s been shot, Dixie tells them that they must know who his father is. He makes a joke that his father is a butcher and could cut his arm off. Adam asks her why she’d care if Tad’s arm drops off. Alfred asks Adam what happened to Ms. Carey. Adam tells him that she left to take care of important business.

Krystal goes to David’s. He’s ready to slam the door on her. She tells him they can do this easy or they can do this hard. But she’s going to talk to him if she has to slip down his chimney in order to do it. She tells him that after the day she’s had, a little thing like him will not be a threat to her her. He tells her that he had a hard day also. She asks him if he almost got shot at the bank. She reminds him that they have a daughter together. He tells her that he no longer trusts her because she joined forces with Adam Chandler. She reminds him that there is now proof that this woman whom he asked to pull off a scam might be the real Dixie. Tad put his life on the line to save the woman whom David once loved. She milks David about the feelings he’s had for Dixie, about how he got Di to pass herself off as Dixie. And then she turns into the real Dixie. She asks him if he does not have feelings about that. He tells her he does not. He does not want revenge upon her. But Krystal tells David that she knows he does not give up when things like that happen to him. She asks him what he is up to and suspects he must have a trick up his sleeve.

Danielle’s mommy notices her unsuccessful attempt to reconcile with Reggie. She tries to console her daughter telling her she wishes she could help but realizes she is lousy with men and with mother-daughter relationships. She asks Dani to be her maid of honor at her wedding. She urges her daughter to be back in her life.

Lily tells Zach that she’s memorized all the rules and strategies of card counting and it’s not illegal. He tells her it’s fine with him if she wants to play it with Reggie but she’s too good and could bankrupt him and Kendall. She asks if it’s not uncommon for many people to lose everything when gambling at a casino. He confirms that it usually happens that way. She asks why it’s ok for him to bankrupt people but he doesn’t want anybody to do that to him. He admits that that is what he does and he has no justification or excuse for it. She then tells him she will return the $105,000 because she doesn’t want to bankrupt him. He thanks her on behalf of himself and Kendall. She also tells him that winning is not so special when it’s too easy. And she has no intention of hurting anybody. He tells her she is a very beautiful light in a very dark world. Boy, is SHE a SHARP little thing or WHAT??!! She took slime ball Zach for $105 thousand!

Just then, Greenlee is envisioning Ryan, still clueless that he is alive and watching her.

Krystal tells David that she knows he has a secret about this woman who is assumed to be Dixie. And she wants to know what it is.

When the medical staff take Tad to the hospital, he and Dixie keep arguing and sniping away at one another. Adam suggests the two of them get a room.

Right when Ryan is spying on Greenlee, and they are both hearing their last words, she bawls her head off but still cannot see her deceased husband. She goes off. But right behind Ryan, he notices somebody else he knows. It’s LILY!!! ANd he can't hide from her. She has caught him! She can see him right in front of her face! You CAN'T fool that little girl. Isn't SHE AMAZING? And isn't RYAN and IDIOT??

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