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All My Children Update for Friday, 5-Aug-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sat, 06-Aug-2005 9:36:35 AM PDT

At the New Beginnings office, Josh and Kendall get her skirt caught in her umbrella. Dr. Madden walks in and appears very angry at what he’d thought he’d seen. He apparently first assumes that his son is getting it on with Erica. Hey, even if he was, that’s none of daddy’s business. She is a married woman now, no less unavailable to daddy than to his son. Kendall asks what Dr. Madden’s problem is over what he thought he saw. Right then, Erica enters and tells him she’d like to know that also.

Babe is still encouraging Jamie to go out of town to a med school where JR cannot get to him. She tells him she needs for him to get this idea out of his head that if he goes away, JR wins.

JR and Dixie go to the cabin where his son was born. She tells him that regardless of his justification for his attitude about Babe and Jamie, he needs to know that this is hurting his son. She also tells him that his life was trashed and ripped apart long before Babe and Jamie were even in the picture. And maybe this is not all about them. Hearing that, he right away knows that she is telling him that it is her fault, instead of theirs. She tells them if he insists on being angry and blaming somebody, maybe he should direct some of that toward her instead of toward Babe. She reminds him that she abandoned him when he was a child and up until he was an adult.

At Wildwind, Zach can tell there is somebody else there.

Dr. Madden attempts to explain to Erica and to Kendall what he had a problem with. Kendall tells them that she is just there to deliver a gift to her mother as an apology and she tells her she must leave and go see Greenlee. Alone with Dr. Madden and his son, Erica tells him they have some things to discuss. Josh informs his father that he told Erica all about daddy’s deep and lasting crush on her.

Dixie tells JR that she left him to his daddy’s way of “parenting”. She tells him she knows that he cannot forget about being abandoned. But she wants him to learn something important. Something that is important to his son. He tells her she must not expect him to give Babe a “get of out hell, free” card after what she has done to him.

Babe asks Jamie if “this” is really what he wants. He must look way off into the future and realize that he might want what his grandfather has. He tells her he has a future with her and little Adam. He also tells her there’s no way that JR will ever lay off. She tells him they should consider having more children. But they should also realize you cannot hang kids on the wall like hubcaps. They need room to grow and be happy kids. And they cannot give them that under the present circumstances.

Dixie reminds JR that in this very place where they are, Babe and Bianca fought hard for their children’s lives. And neither of them walked out on their child the way she did with him. He tells her that she had valid excuses, since she had an accident. She tells him he mustn’t let her off the hook. She cut him loose. Babe and Jamie did not do that to little Adam. He must realize that she deserves his anger as much as they do. But he does not express anger toward her. Instead he puts his arms around her, tells her he loves her and does not want to punish her.

Ethan and Simone go to see Greenlee. He tells her that he has something of Ryan’s that he has no right to have. He tells them both the story of Ryan meeting his grandfather in the desert and the pocket watch his grandfather gave to Ryan, seeing him as somebody he wished would be his son. His grandfather believed that both of his biological sons were dead to him. He admired and respected Ryan. And this pocket watch belongs to Ryan. And he tells Greenlee that he would like Ryan’s child to have this. He’d like the baby to know that Ryan was the father to be proud of.

Zach talks to the unidentified person hiding at Wildwind. He asks them to come out, tells them they are not dealing with kids anymore. And he hates hide and seek.

Right when Ethan and Simone are leaving Greenlee’s, Kendall enters. At first Simone wants to stay with Greenlee. But Greenlee encourages her to go and have fun. She leaves with Ethan and Greenlee and Kendall are alone to talk. Kendall reveals to Greenlee that there is something going on with her involving somebody. Greenlee asks if it is Ethan or somebody else.

Zach is right then, walking through Wildwind in the dark when it’s thundering and lightening outside.

JR and Dixie are in her car in the rain. She tells him that he can do better than what he is doing. When he makes Babe and Jamie feel desperate, it’s not benefiting him. Right then, he is noticing that the car is moving too fast and the brakes don’t work. She asks him if he can give some thought to what she just told him, for the sake of little Adam. He tells her he will think about it. She asks if he could go a little slower. He tells her there’s something wrong with the brakes.

Babe tells Jamie that her mother was prevented from using her brains and having opportunities in her life when she had Babe. She tells him that Krystal had to lug her along to odd jobs. He tells her that Krystal’s life is fine and she did not hold her back. She tells him that she cannot hold him back the way she fears she is holding him back the way she held her mother back. And she cannot let him use “them” as an excuse for him to settle. She tells him that it’s better for him and therefore better for them if he pursues he goals instead of settling. It looks like he’s listening for the first time.

Erica asks Dr. Madden to tell him about this “crush” of his. He tells her she is beautiful, intelligent and strong and many men would want her. She tells him she knows they have a deeper bond and they’ve known each other from somewhere before. Hearing that, he admits to her that he must confess something.

Greenlee asks Kendall what she believes might have “come over” Ethan to have done what he just did. Greenlee asks Kendall if she still has feelings for Ethan. Kendall tells her it’s all over. Greenlee asks Kendall if she’s considered having children. Kendall tells Greenlee that is unlikely. She asks “with whom?” Greenlee tells Kendall that perhaps Kendall’s husband could manage that.

Right then, Zach falls down a staircase and Wildwind. And a strange woman looks like she might want to dispose of him or confront him. When he comes to, he notices the woman holding a gun on him. He tells her she cannot be there. She tells him she will leave and he must pretend he never saw her. She doesn’t know him and assumes he does not know of her. But heknows that she is Maria’s sister, Julia who has escaped from the witness protection system. She asks where Maria has gone. He informs her that she went to California with Maddie. She asks why Sam did not go. He tells her Sam is staying with his biological family. She asks about Edmund. He doesn’t know how to tell her that Edmund is dead.

Kendall tells Greenlee that she (Greenlee) may have motherhood. Greenlee asks if, a year ago, she wanted to be a swollen, human bowling ball with varicose veins and swollen breasts? Kendall tells Greenlee that she knows that Greenlee went through with what she went through to get pregnant was for one reason; love. But Kendall tells her that she, herself has sworn off that concept. Greenlee then asks Kendall to go in the kitchen and get a big bag of sugar. Kendall has no idea what she wants with that. Greenlee asks Kendall to lie on the couch with the bag of sugar on her belly. And she shows her this is what it feels like to be pregnant.

Ethan and Simone return to his hotel room. She tells him he did a wonderful thing for Greenlee. He tells her he’d like to be there for her also. She asks if he still has feelings for Kendall and she’s nothing more than a “substitute”. He tells her he’s over Kendall. And he likes Simone for her.

Dr. Madden tells Erica he remembers when he first saw her, many years ago, as a young model She does not seem to remember actually meeting him although he remembers it. And he admits that he may have made a mistake to marry his son’s mother. And he recalls that when he ran into her, after his widower hood, it was just his luck that she’d married Jack. He admits that he has always seen her as the “unattained dream”, the “what-if”.

Babe tells Jamie that he can study medicine and she will have a fabulous husband who will go great things for humanity. She tells him all they gotta do is smack down JR’s “my way or the highway” mode. He tells her he’s afraid he’ll lose her just like his father lost Dixie. He tells her people don’t fight for each other the way they should. They always give up. She tells him that is not them. They don’t give up. He tells her that long distance relationships don’t last. He’s worried that she will be harassed by JR, all alone while he’s hundreds of miles away. She says she can handle JR.

JR cannot get the brakes to work. But she tells him she just got them fixed not long ago. He tells her they are already on the floor and will not work. It looks like they are headed for an accident in the rain. And guess who fixed her brakes! And who JR is going to confront and threaten and accuse of attempted murder!

Kendall and Greenlee make jokes about what it will be when Greenlee gets fat and has stretch marks. But right then Greenlee has to go to the bathroom and discovers she’s bleeding. It looks like she might be having a miscarriage.

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