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All My Children Update for Monday, 29-Aug-2005
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Posting date: | Mon, 29-Aug-2005 10:56:33 AM PDT |
Right when Zach and Julia believe they are safe at Wildwind, he notices a guy cutting the lawn when it�s already been cut. Right then, Machine guns fire through the windows. They duck and protect themselves, but the windows and statues are blown to bits.. Right then, Derek and Mimi enter with their guns.
Simone is upset that Kendall and Greenlee have kept from her their secret about the surrogacy. And she tells Greenlee she should have asked her, instead to carry her baby.
Babe stays at JR�s after her visitation with her son has ended. He comes by and asks her why she is still there. Her visitation is over. And it looks like she�s starting to put her plan into motion.
Amanda has now moved into Myrtle�s and she and Jamie are in the sack together. She tells him that Babe is an idiot to dump him. Hearing that, he reveals that that is still a sore subject for him and tells her that is one part of his life he no longer wants to discuss. But he agrees to be with her. Right then, Myrtle comes to bring Amanda her towels and is surprised to notice Jamie there. She asks him if this means that he and Babe have broken up. She seems to know that the whole cause of that was Phoebe�s will and she admits to him that she could wring Phoebe�s neck for the ultimatum she gave him. She reveals to him that he must not lose hope in love. He appreciates what she has to say to him and gives her a hug.
After her parents have left the police station and she is able to have a private conversation with Garrett, Dani asks him what is �going on�. He does not respond. She tells him he may jump in any time he wants and talk. He tells her that they are building what he thought was a good relationship. She asks if he �likes� her. He replies yes, in regard to the fact that she will soon be his stepdaughter. She tells him she is not asking him that in reference to her being his stepdaughter. She asks if he likes her as a girlfriend or in a similar way to how he �likes� her mother. Hearing that, he knows how to turn it all around to sound like he�s perceived that SHE has a CRUSH on HIM. He sounds all nice and sweet, telling her he�s �flattered�, that he remembers his first crush and all. What a PLAYER. He AIN�T answering the question that he KNOWS she is ASKING. He� PRETENDING that she said something she did not say. He goes ON about how he helped her with Josh and Reggie and everything and that he does not judge HER for �misdirecting� her feelings. He tells her that he�s grateful that she�s accepted his plans to marry her mother and he never wants to break their trust. But the DUDE AIN�T ANSWERING whether or not he is a PERV who wants to GET IT ON with a TEENAGE GIRL! Danielle tells him that she did not mean to OFFEND him with accusations. He again seems all friendly but still does not address her question. He has to leave and Livia enters. Knowing the DUDE did not answer her question, Danielle asks her aunt what she thinks of Garrett. Livia reveals to her niece that she might know exactly what she is concerned about. She says she understands that Danielle has reason to be uncomfortable by mommy's new fiance attempting to take the place of her daddy. But she reveals she has no clue what, specifically, Danielle is concerned about.
At Wildwind, Mimi and Derek look for Julia but cannot find her. Julia and Zach run off into the woods and right at that moment, they find Zach and demand that he freezes and not move. They tell him that they know that Julia Kiefer was with him and ask where she is now. And Julia is right nearby, hiding behind a tree. Derek tells Zach that he�d better tell them where Julia is or else they can get him in trouble. Zach tells them he has not seen Julia. Mimi informs him that Kendall already told them everything
Simone asks Greenlee why she would not consider her for surrogacy. Greenlee tells Simone that she remembers their conversation before they broke into the clinic where Simone expressed that being pregnant and giving birth is something she wouldn�t want to even imagine. She admits that she would have turned Greenlee down flat if she had asked her. Greenlee and Kendall wonder, why then, she is upset that she was not asked. She tells them that what she believes this all boils down to is that they do not take her seriously, as an equal. They just think of her as an unimportant, silly ditz. They treat her as if she is something they get at a garage sale that they can put aside or dispose of. They try to convince her that that is not true. But she tells them that their friendship is over.
Babe tells JR that she has no feelings for Jamie. He must know that she is nothing but a cheating tramp. He asks her to wait. She tells him if he wants to make a cheap shot, he must do it now. He tells her that he just wants her to tell him the truth for why she �arranged� to break up with Jamie. He tells her that he knows it was just a �set up� so that Jamie could inherit from Phoebe and go to med school. He adds that he knows she loves his brother enough to break up with him even if it breaks her heart, so that he can have those things. She works on him about how she needed Jamie to �rescue� her after JR smashed her heart. She sounds like she was in love with him. But he tells her that he knows she never loved him.
Amanda tells Jamie that he is finally with the right girl. She wants to have fun with no expectations. He tells her that�s fine with him. He has money now. He gives her some money. She tells him he does not take money for sex. He tells him it�s not for that. He tells her that she should get the money that he knows JR promised to give her after she �engineered� their plan without his help.
Babe tells JR that she knows it was his fault that he did whatever he could do to hurt her and Jamie. And she realized that Jamie could not be her �soul mate� forever. He tells her he knows she is still crazy about Jamie. She tells him maybe she is just crazy, period. She works on him about how she needed Jamie to �rescue� her after JR smashed her heart.
Greenlee and Kendall tell Simone that their decision not to tell her about the surrogacy is nothing personal. They just don�t want her to make it public. The three of them then agree to keep it a secret. Ethan, then enters. He tells them he knows that he knows that somebody fired gunshots through Wildwind and he wonders why someone would want to shoot the place when it�s been deserted and nobody has been there for a long time. Kendall right away assumes that Zach might have been shot and killed. She goes off and Simone tells them all that they must realize that Kendall is not emotionally attached to Zach and would not mourn the loss of him the way they would all mourn Ryan. But Greenlee tells her that regardless of who was there or what they did, people could have died and she should be sensitive about that. Kendall reveals that she might care about Zach after all when she angrily tells them that Julia is to blame for what may have happened to her husband.
Babe goes to see her mother and reveals that she has a �little plan� with JR that might prove successful. Krystal asks her what specifically she plans to do. She tells her that she is going to marry JR.
Zach enters Fusion. Kendall runs to him, revealing that she was very worried and glad that he's ok. SHe hugs him. He tells her she is a betraying bitch to have sold Julia out to the cops.