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All My Children Update for Monday, 5-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Mon, 05-Sep-2005 10:55:29 AM PDT

This is a re-run. The episode where Adam orders the DNA test to “confirm” who Dixie really is. Adam wants to prove her a fake. Krystal believes that is the case, since she specifically remembered this woman as her cell-mate, Di Kirby. Babe offered to expose her to Adam if he sprung her mother from the slammer. And Adam came through for Krystal. Tad doesn’t know what to think. Palmer believes this is his niece. JR wants to believe she is his mommy. David knows something that nobody else knows.

Reggie found out that Danielle “kissed” another guy. He doesn’t know the whole story. And he’s not ok with it and considering another girl. But she tells him she doesn’t want to lose him. He doesn’t know that she slept with Josh. And Josh did not know that Danielle is a minor and has a boyfriend. who just happens to be his boss’s stepson. Amanda comes to talk to Josh in an effort to get Babe to hook up with him and break up with Jamie so that she can have Jamie.

Reggie punches Josh right on the set when Erica launches her new show, New Beginnings. It gets a lot of publicity. Jack comes to tell Erica that he is not ok with the secret that Greenlee is pregnant. And he wants to know how it could possibly happen since Ryan had a vasectomy. Ryan finds out what she did and is ready to beat her. And Zach and Kendall rush into their room, after viewing them from the surveillance camera. He tells all of them to get out of the room. He finds out that the “medication” he’s been taking to control the rage is really placebo that Greenlee had David put in the container, unknown to Ryan. She tries to explain to him that he has the mistaken idea that he has some sort of mental illness that he needs to control with a drug. But she intended to prove him wrong on that. But he goes off on his motorcycle, goes off a cliff and has everybody believing he is a dead man.

TWO IMPORTANT CLIFFHANGERS from this episode a few months ago which will be resumed in our NEXT few eppies:

HOW LONG is RYAN going to have everybody beleiving he's DEAD?


We'll find out.

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