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All My Children Update for Tuesday, 6-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Tue, 06-Sep-2005 5:58:55 PM PDT

Babe runs into Jamie with Amanda and clearly reveals that she is not over him. He acts like he wants to be with Amanda but obviously is not over Babe. Zach Slater finds Babe and asks her to give him information on Di Kirby. SHe takes him to the Chandler house and they spy upon "Dixie" with Tad and Zach is able to see that the woman who is little Adam's nanny and claims to be JR's mother has gone by the identity of Di Kirby. Zach calls Ryan all the way in Nova Scotia and reveals to him that he won't let him hurt Greenlee and Kendall with the belief that he is still alive. Erin overhears the phone conversation and knows that Ryan must make himself scarce. SHe tells him that she will take Jonathan to the hospital while he waits outside. But she is no longer angry at him and the three of them bond.

Greenlee is very upset by the thought that Lily might have actually seen Ryan. But she decides she will go through with the surrogacy anyway. She tells Kendall taht she needs to change many things if she is going to carry Greenlee's baby for her. ANd she tells her she must divorce Zach because he will be a negative influence in her baby's life. Kendall refuses to divorce Zach. ANd Greenlee concludes that Kendall must have feelings for him.

Tad urges Dixie to tell him whatever she knows about Kevin, because he believes that Kevin is into a lot of dirty deals and might be connected to the people that want Julia dead. She tells him that she would tell him more if she knew more.

Julia talks to Sam and tells him that although the Martins are his "relatives", his "family" is in California, and he must realize that his mother really loved his father.

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