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All My Children Update for Thursday, 8-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sat, 10-Sep-2005 4:06:11 PM PDT

Babe goes looking for little Adam, frantic because he’s missing. And guess whose fault that is? Not hers’. JR let him wander off and almost drown in a neighbor’s pool. She notices he is not breathing for a while and performs CPR on him and saves his life. They get him to a hospital and the staff tell her she saved the day and because of her heroic action their son will be o.k. when he could have suffered permanent brain damage without her help. At that point, JR has no choice but to humble himself to her. HE screwed up. SHE saved the kid’s life! HOW BOUT that? And she reminds him that he SET HER UP to have her THINK that somebody took Miranda, due to HER negligence, so that he could prove HER an unfit mother.

Danielle tells Simone that she was uncomfortable with Garrett appearing out of nowhere in the fitting room when she needed to get her dress zipped up from behind. But she tells her that she sometimes thinks he’s a perv but has no proof and other times feels guilty to be falsely accusing him of something he may not be doing. Simone reminds Dani that her mother, the cop, who arrests bad guys for a living, should be able to tell a perv hitting on her daughter, especially when she is ready to marry him. But Danielle tells Simone that even if her mommy is missing the signals, she doesn’t want to ruin her wedding and piss her off. And because she’s a minor, she can’t exactly stay away from them. Right then, Josh comes. Ethan joins Simone. And the four of them attempt to put their heads together to find out if Garrett is a perv who’s after Danielle.

Derek tells Garrett that he doesn’t care for him or trust him. But Garrett attempts to “make nice” by inviting him and Livia to his and Mimi’s wedding. Derek lays down the law that he’s not going to take his place in his daughter’s life. They tell her that they want to give Dani the choice of whether to live in Pine Valley with him or in N.Y with them. Derek tells them that Dani ain’t living with them and does not want to. But he agrees to attend the wedding for Dani.

Krystal goes to meet Adam at SOS. She tells him that she’s working on his very important objective to prove that Dixie is a fraud but has not yet gotten the goods on her. He tells her he no longer needs her services and will not pay her anymore. But she is able to cause a public scene by having people think that he got her pregnant and will not pay her for what he did and he’s her husband refusing to sleep with her and he’s out getting some elsewhere. At that point, the dudes in the bar come after Adam although he protests that Krystal is scamming them with her scene. But they both privately call to get flights to Crow Hollow, WV.

Zach takes Dixie to a cabin. She asks if he’s going to hurt her. He tells her he’d prefer not to but needs some answers from her. She tells him she did time and never said a word about his friend, Kevin. And now that she’s out of jail, does he think she’s going to screw up now? She’s not going to rat him out. He tells her that she may be out of the loop and doesn’t seem to believe her. And he makes it clear that he will stop at nothing in order to save Julia. She tells him that since neither of them want to die, maybe they both need to keep their mouths shut. Tad comes to save Dixie and get her out of there.

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