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All My Children Update for Friday, 9-Sep-2005
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Posting date: | Sun, 11-Sep-2005 1:58:44 PM PDT |
When Tad goes to rescue Dixie from the place where Zach Slater has taken her, Zach informs him that she has taken out a life insurance policy in case she dies along with Julia Santos. So, that should tell him something. Tad pulls a gun on Zach. Alone with Dixie, Tad tells her he knows that she knows something. He asks her who is after Julia. Who has her so afraid? Sam goes down to see them and tells Julia he needs her to stay up there unseen. He seems to know that Dixie cannot know that Julia is upstairs. But right then, Julia comes downstairs and tells Dixie that she better tell her the secret she will not tell Tad.
Julia is stuck in the attic of Tad’s home hearing over and over again that if she doesn’t do whatever the witness protection program wants, her husband will die. Knowing that listening to them didn’t do any good, she is ready to get out. But right then, Sam enters and tells her she cannot leave. She asks him what he knows about the witness protection program. He tells her all he knows is that you get to have a new identity and new life and be protected. She tells him he’s heard the same myths everybody has heard. They take you to a secret place with a locked door and no windows and for days, “train” you and brainwash you. You give up your entire life. No family photos or letters, books, clothes and they strip you down to nothing. AN entire lifetime is gone. That’s the easy part. Then they take away all of your memories. If you had a degree, it’s gone. As far as the rest of the world is concerned you have no qualifications and you can only get minimum wage jobs. They make you into nothing. And they expect you to live. You think you are safe but are always looking over your shoulder, wondering if somebody screwed up and if that man behind your will pull a gun on you and end your worthless life. And she tells him that sometimes she wishes she could have ended it. And she tells him that it ruined her marriage. Her husband had to get out or die trying. And now it’s her turn and she has to go. But he tells her he will not let her walk out of there. He tells her he’s promised to take care of her and means it. She tells him that his father would be so proud of him.
Kendall and Greenlee go to SOS. Greenlee is uneasy about the fact that she cannot drink before “harvesting” her eggs. Kendall, however, tells Greenlee she wants to indulge and orders vodka. She reminds her that this is the last time she will be able to drink for the next 9 months. And they decide to just enjoy themselves for tonight and worry about the scary procedure the following morning. Right then, Dell appears, identifies Kendall Hart and tells her he now knows why he came back to Pine Valley. She introduces him to Greenlee and informs Greenlee that she was once engaged to Dell and indicates that she might want to see him again. Kendall tells Greenlee that if she has to do everything she asks for, then Greenlee will have to do something for her. Greenlee asks what and Kendall whispers in her ear. Greenlee refuses but Kendall twists her arms by threats to tell the baby what a jerk Greenlee is. And right then Greenlee gets on the karaoke mic and announces that she wants to dedicate a song to that “hot babe” over there (meaning Kendall). And she sings: “Having My Baby”. Now, HEARING that, wouldn’t anybody assume that the two of them are LESBOs? And right when they get back to Greenlee’s, Zach is there waiting for them. Greenlee reminds him that she did not invite him into her home and Kendall confirms that she never gave him keys. He tells them he’s looking for Julia Santos. They tell him they have not seen her. He tells them that he’s snooped thorugh all of Kendall’s and Greenlee’s personal possessions and knows what they are doing. Kendall tells him that she plans on sitting on Greenlee’s nest and there’s nothing he can do about it. He tells her yes there is. He plans to stop her.
Ryan and Erin go with Jonathan to see the doctor and although he seems to be on good behavior, he hears a ticking sound. Right when Ryan talks to the doctor about getting some headache medicine for Jonathan, Jonathan sees his daddy instead of the doctor and becomes horror stricken. He then sees Ryan and Erin, not as the “good” brother and sister they are, but as bad people. And Greenlee and Kendall are laughing behind his back with them. And he sees the four of them ganging up on him.
Simone, Ethan and josh go with Danielle to Fusion with a plan to catch Garrett and find out once and for all if he is really a perv. Josh tells her they must realize that Garrett is not stupid and might know if he is being set up. But he tells her that he will be able to tell if Danielle has good reason to be suspicious. Right then, Mimi and Garrett enter. They act nice to her. When they leave, she tells her three grownup friends that she feels really bad to have her suspicions and she cannot do that now. But they tell her that she needs to find out before her mother marries this dude, what is really up. They tell her it’s the only way she will ever know. She then gets on the phone to call Garrett. She asks if he can come by and talk to her alone. When he arrives, her three friends hide so he does not know they are there. She acts all nice about what a great man he is for her mommy and all. He acts nice but not in a “sicko” way. He tells her he can give her some “tips” about the male mind so she will know when a man wants her and when he does not. He tells her that “young guys” just want to use young ladies, don’t care about their feelings, and cannot be counted upon. But he cares and he will be there for her.