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All My Children Update for Monday, 12-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Mon, 12-Sep-2005 10:59:59 AM PDT

When Babe and JR are checking on their son in the hospital, they are surprised to see Jamie. They ask what he is doing there. He tells them he is looking at a happy healthy little boy and not his coffin. Thanks to Babe. He is wearing a white coat with a stethoscope. JR tells him he better not touch his son. Jamie says no need to worry. He hasn’t done anything but he knows about JR’s negligence and he cares about little Adam. Babe defends JR, telling Jamie that it was just an “accident”. She also tells them both that little Adam knows nothing about the hate between the two of them. All he knows is that JR is his daddy and Jamie is his uncle and he loves them both to pieces.

Right when Garrett believes he is alone with Dani at Fusion, he looks like he’s going to kiss her. Josh remains unseen and notices him very intently. She tells him if he’s going to marry her mom, he cannot be kissing her. He talks about how her daddy has not been close to her. He tells her that he doubts that she’s into “flying solo”. So he and her mom are offering her a place to live in New York where she can have her own private entrance to do whatever she wants with. She tells him she has a lot of work to do. He leaves and tells her she’s “in charge” about what to do wither life. Josh then comes out and tells Dani that she was dead right. That guy is after her. He explains to her, his very extensive psychological theories about the mind of a Wall Street dude. They get off on taking “high risks”, on that what might seem crazy, like hitting on his fiance’s teenage daughter. Right then, her mom and her dad walk in to see her. They tell her that everything is cool. They have made peace. Derek believes Garrett is ok. And Dani can live with whomever she wants. So Garrett tells her she may wish her mommy well. She tells them she wishes her well but wishes her not married.

Julia Santos comes down from Tad’s attic and recognizes “Di Kirby” She asks Di (or Dixie) which one of her friends wants her dead. But Tad enlightens her that she has no clue that this woman is really Dixie Cooney, (or so he believes), his ex-wife. After finding out that Tad has been hiding Julia in his home without telling her that that he does not trust her, Dixie (or Di) tells Tad she’s in no hurry to see him again.

After Zach has told Kendall that he “will not let” her carry Greenlee’s baby, she asks him just what he plans to do in order to come between her and the Petri dish of joy for Ryan and Greenlee. He tells her that he knows she is not yet ovulating and there is still time. It’s not too late. She asks what kinds of schemes he has. Is he going to slip her some “birth control”? Is he going to get a lawyer to come after her? Take her out to the desert? She reminds him that he’s told her a million times that they are nothing more than business partners. He doesn’t have to end his concern for Julia. She doesn’t have to tell him about her business with Greenlee. He tells her that there is something wrong with Kendall Hart attempting to have her dead ex-boyfriend’s baby. Greenlee remind shim that they are adults not breaking the law and don’t need any permission or approval from anybody. Zach asks why Greenlee cannot accept the fact that her husband is dead. She tells him what she is doing is none of his business. And Kendall tells him that this is her opportunity to give somebody a new life and the most selfless thing she’s ever done. He asks them why they have this “remembrance” of Ryan lavery that will never die. Kendall tells him if she didn’t know him better, she’d assume he was jealous. He tells them that this “baby” will have Ryan Lavery’s messed up genes. Greenlee does not believe that there is anything wrong with Ryan’s genes. Zach tells Greenlee that she is exploiting Kendall by asking her to do this. All she cares about is what she wants and that Ryan’s suicide after finding out that she insisted on having a baby should have been enough to awaken her to the error of her ways. When Zach leaves, Greenlee asks Kendall if Zach is right in that she’s selfish and foolish. Zach then goes off alone and hears the conversations where he urges Kendall not to go through with it because she’s making too big of a sacrifice.

Erin and Ryan ask the doctor what is wrong with Jonathan, remembering that he told them there is a bomb in his head. The doctor replies that there is a bomb in Jonathan’s head and if it explodes, it will kill him. And they find out that none of Jonathan’s behaviors were his fault. He has a mental illness that he can’t help. He tells them that all medications must stop and that anti-psychotics don’t work. They actually make somebody psychotic. They doctor assumes that what happened to Jonathan was due to a blow to the head. Erin tells him that their father was abusive, beat Jonathan and one day he left him unconscious for a day and their parents never got medical care for him. So, they are now concluding that there is nothing genetically wrong with Jonathan. Ryan tells Erin that now he’s found out for the very first time, that he was mistaken in assuming that his family has messed up genes. And he then discovers that Greenlee was right. He has a flashback of Greenlee telling him that he does not need medication and does not have some “illness” in his family. Erin notices how Ryan is taking all this upon himself and tells him it’s not his fault. She thought Jonathan “inherited” mental problems from daddy also. Erin tells Ryan that the good news is if there is help for Jonathan, then there is help for us all. Ryan hears that and is not certain what to say or think.

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