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All My Children Update for Wednesday, 14-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Wed, 14-Sep-2005 6:08:10 PM PDT

Erica launches her first show of New Beginnings. SHe travels around New York and meets with many people from ABC and the city and surroundings. Meanwhile, Zach is almost able to convince Kendall and Greenlee that Kendall is making a big mistake an unreasonable sacrifice for her friend to carry "RYan's baby" and give it up to Greenlee. But Greenlee assures them that she will not keep Kendall out of her baby's life.

Ryan and ERin are still recovering from the new discovery that they are not genetically predisposed to mental illness and that Jonathan is not insane. They are however, worried what will happen to him after the surgery. She asks him about Greenlee, remembering his previous fear that he had to "stay dead" for fear he would hurt her. He tells her that he never thought he'd find love after Gillian died. But he found it with Greenlee. ANd they were perfect for a while. She then tells him that maybe he made a mistake by having a vasectomy and assuming he's unfit to raise a child or that his child would be genetically "tainted".

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