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All My Children Update for Thursday, 15-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Thu, 15-Sep-2005 1:35:01 PM PDT

Erica visits the NY Yankees, the Mets and the Giants on her show.

Greenlee asks Kendall, one last time, if she is really certain she wants to go through with their plan. Kendall says she has not changed her mind. THey go to Dr. Madden's, extract Greenlee's eggs and hopefull Kendall is pregnant. Greenlee even decides to be courteous to her mother when she calls, realizing what it must be like to be a mother not respected by your child. But Zach goes to talk to Myrtle Fargate telling her what they have done and asking Myrtle for advice in what he should do.

Ryan and Erin run into a guy at the hospital who knows Ryan and discvoers that he's "scammed" his death. He's ready to expose Ryan and make money doing it. But Ryan finds out that the guy commits insurance fraud and corruption and the cops and the press would like to know it. ANd he successfully get the guy to go away and leave him alone. Erin is very impressed. But he tells her that this might just be the beginning of their problems.

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