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All My Children Update for Monday, 19-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Mon, 19-Sep-2005 11:00:11 AM PDT

Jamie comes to tell Babe that he knows what she’s trying to do with JR and he warns her that she cannot scam his brother. He will ruin her if she thinks she can play him into believing that she wants to get back with him. At the Chandler house, Stuart tells JR that he can see he has some things on his mind and maybe JR has some thoughts and feelings about Babe whether he wants to admit it or not. And he goes to find her and Jamie in their conversation about him. Jamie leave and asks her what the “doctor wannabe” has to say, telling her that it is his business since he is the executor of Phoebe’s will. She tells him that Jamie came to question why she’d even consider treating him (JR) like a human being.

Mimi tells Garrett that she has to be out all night. She asks him not to go to the Valley Inn but instead, to stay with Dani. EEK! Well, maybe she can invite her friends over to hide and catch that perv red-handed! And sure enough, when she’s coming out of the shower, the perv walks in on her. She freaks and drops her towel. Boy, I’ll bet he got some thrills out of that! He apologizes and comes up with excuses. But when he leaves, he’s standing right outside the door ready to choke his chicken. What a sicko!

Julia overhears Tad confirming that Dixie has a Will about what will happen in the event of her death or disappearance. And he tells her that he wants a future with her involving everything they had before. But she needs to trust him and know he will do anything he needs to do in order to keep her safe. She tells him that she wants to protect Julia. But she must also think about her own best interest and protect the life she’s been able to have with her family. She tells him that if he believes she owes nothing to Dell, he must also realize she owes nothing to Julia. Dell is at least family. She barely knows Julia. Tad leaves and when Julia knows that Dixie is alone, she enters her room with a gun and tells her she knows she's interested in saving her own life. But Julia tells Dixie if she does not reveal the secrets she knows, she will end Dixie's life.

Krystal goes to the low life bar and runs into Adam who is there, probably not by accident. She tells him that she’s surprised to see him and she protests that she has just as much interest in finding out the secret about Dixie as he does. And it sounds like they might still want to work together. And some strange dude comes to meet Krystal. And it sounds like she’s there to talk to him about writing a book about his life in Crow Hollow. And she asks him about the “baby girl” that was born but not certified. He tells her that that person in question is alive and well and living an amazing life. Adam seems to be listening intently to their conversation. And suddenly some guys come in carrying big jugs of moonshine and announce that they are having a “drinking contest”. Both Krystal and Adam seem to want to participate in the “drink off”. A big crowd of people slam them down.

Mimi tells Aiden that it’s his fault that Kirsten Woods died. It’s because he got mixed up in what was her case. But he tells her that it’s her fault. She went after Kirsten and scared her and had to play the big super cop and blame others for her mistakes. Derek tells Aiden he’s out of line. Mimi tells Derek she can handle her own case. Amanda hears them and tells them they must stop and realize Kirsten is a person, not an object that they can blame each other for their mistakes in regard to. Aiden admits that Amanda is right. They go back in the bar and Amanda admits that when he saw Kirsten dead, she wanted to wipe the smudge off her mascara because she thought Kirsten wouldn’t want anybody to see her like that. He finally seems to think Amanda might not be such a bad person. Right then, Mimi comes by, tells Aiden that he and Tad better stop investigating her cases before somebody else gets hurt or killed. She meets with Derek and he tells her she needs to go home and get some rest before her wedding day. When she gets home, she wonders why Dani is standing outside the door and not in the apartment. Dani spits out to her mother that she cannot marry Garrett because he is after her. He’s a perv.

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