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All My Children Update for Tuesday, 20-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Tue, 20-Sep-2005 5:40:18 PM PDT

Dani decides that Garrett has gone too far after he “accidentally” walked in on her when she was getting out of the shower. She tells her mommy that that dude is sick and mommy cannot marry him. At first, Mimi wants to listen to her although she doesn’t want to believe it. Dani knows that Garrett has been too subtle to really “prove” he’s wants to get in her pants. He comes and appears and tells Mimi that Dani professed her “crush” on him when he found her at the beach house with Josh that one time. And she came out of the shower, dropped her towel and told him the “bachelor party starts tonight”. Dani protests that the dude has been doing perverted behaviors for a long time. Mimi is torn between what to believe. And she asks her daughter and herself why, if he’s doing those thing, did she not see the signs. Knowing she cannot “be wrong”, she decides to believe that her daughter is making false accusations of her fiancé and she tells her she has to leave and go live with her daddy. I wonder, though if she is really stupid enough to believe that dani wants to get in Garrett’s pants. What kind of an idiot would believe that?

Tad tells Zach that he will “take over” in protecting Julia. Zach tells Tad that he’s in love with Dixie and will sell Julia down the river for the woman he loves. Tad tells Zach that HE would sell Dixie down the river in order to play the hero with Julia so he can win points with Maria. And he tells Zach that he can protect them both since he cares about them both. Julia pulls a gun on Dixie and tells her she better disclose her secrets about the dragon. Dixie then tells Julia that she knows of a way that they can work together and she can help Julia.

Greenlee is panicking and afraid that something will happen to Kendall during the pregnancy and she will lose both Kendall and the baby the same way she lost Ryan. She goes outside and talks to Ryan’s ghost, telling him she cannot go on without him.

Right then, Ryan and Erin are encouraged after Jonathan’s surgery was successful. And Erin decides she will call Greenlee, telling her of course that she knows that Ryan is gone, that she never knew her brother well but she offers her condolences. Greenlee tells Erin that Ryan spoke very highly of his little sister and she’d love for her to come to Pine Valley some time so they can meet. But Erin knows that cannot happen so she hangs up before Greenlee can ask for her phone number. Ryan listens in on their conversation and becomes lost in thought about Greenlee.

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