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All My Children Update for Wednesday, 21-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sun, 25-Sep-2005 10:16:03 AM PDT

Mimi and Garrett are ready to have their wedding. But they dont have many guest. Jack and Reggie come. Derek and Livia come. It seems only by obligation. THey wonder where Danielle is. Those two sleezeballs kick her out of their home then whine because she is not there? She comes right before they are ready to complete their wedding vows, with Josh. ANd he has a surprise for the PERV,Garrett. He punches him, tells him he knows what he's capable of and infroms the others. Reggie steps in to tell Garrett that he believes Dani and he does not trust or believe a word he says. Livia goes to have a private conversation with Dani and comes back to announce that she believes she has just cross=examined a witness who has not told her a lie. But Mimi tells everybody she's marrying Garrett whether they like it or not. everybody leaves except for Jack and Livia who are the witnesses. The preacher goes through with the vows and pronounces them husband and wife.

At the end of the wedding, however, Di comes to see Garrett and they reveal that they ahve had a history together, know each other very well and they kiss.

Babe cannot find her mommy. JR cannot find his daddy. ANd they both seem to know where they are. Obviously they argue. He tells her his daddy would never stoop so low. SHe tells him her mommy would never be interested in Adam Chandler. But they both know better.

Adam and Krystal wake up in bed together nude and scream. It seems the previous night that they got too drunk and did something that they regret.

Babe and JR go to a CPR class so that they can save their son in the future, in case something hapens. But it is very awkward for both of them as all the other parents there are couple

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