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All My Children Update for Monday, 26-Sep-2005
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Posting date: | Mon, 26-Sep-2005 3:41:45 PM PDT |
Greenlee is unaware that Kendall has already gotten herself inseminated at Dr. Madden’s clinic when she comes home. Dr. Madden is alone remembering Hazel talking to him about the “can of worms” he might regret opening, in regard to what he did for Erica’s daughter. He remembers Kendall’s gratitude. And right then, Erica walks in and tells him he “shouldn’t have done it.” She still knows nothing about what Kendall just did. What she’s talking about is Dr. Madden’s support of her show. And she tells him that she feels like an idiot to have gone off on him accusing him of giving Greenlee an addictive drug. Again, still in the dark, she tells him that she hopes that he can find a way for Greenlee to have a baby and she really appreciates what he is doing for her stepdaughter. He tells her that he and his wife had problems with fertility. And he’s grateful to have Josh as his son and he made a big mistake by interfering in Josh’s life and telling him he could not work for Erica. She tells him she knows all about being an interfering parent. After find out that Kendall went to get the eggs implanted without her knowing, Greenlee tells Kendall that she should have known that she cannot trust her. She admits to Kendall that she is jealous of her. She wishes she could be the one to carry Ryan’s baby. But Kendall tells Greenlee that the baby will always think of her (Greenlee) as mommy. When Erica is talking to Dr. Madden, she notices Kendall’s wallet and asks what it is doing there. Erica asks Dr. Madden if he's been able to make any friends since he's been in town. He admits that he hasn't had much of a life since his wife died. She tells him she wants to help him get into the social circles of Pine Valley. She tells him she is eternally grateful to him for what he has done for her stepdaughter. ANd she tells him he has a "miracle child" of his own. She tells him she doens't konw what she'd do without Josh. Hearing that, he seems to know something she does not. And he has a flashback of his wife, Emily, telling him she needs a baby. ANd his determination to find one for her at any cost.
Danielle goes to find Josh to see if there is something she can use against Garrett in order to nail his sick ass. They notice that Garrett is involved in many charities including those for underage girls. Go figure. She tells him that she was hoping to find something that would scream “perv alert” to her mommy. He tells her he can investigate and pull up a lot of dirt on Garrett. And he wants to help her. She’s in this mess in the first place because of him. Garrett didn’t just come out of nowhere, Josh tells her. He set her up. Right then, Derek comes and lets his daughter know he's on her side. He wants to nail Garrett because nobody messes with his little girl. Dani convinces her dad that Josh is her friend and he should trust him. Derek says thank you to Josh. ANd they decide they will put their heads together to find some good dirt and skeletons on Garrett.
Julia is in jail. Derek asks her to tell him whatever she knows. She says nothing. Tad then enters and asks Derek if he can talk to Julia alone. He tells her he remembers himself being in the slammer. She tells him that Julia Santos Kiefer is dead. Derek tells Tad he got a call and found out the feds have slapped a restriction on Julia’s visitors. He reminds Tad that although what’s happened to Julia is not cool, she interfered with a 9 year investigation. And keeping her in that cage, will at least keep her alive. Right then, Julia remembers being brainwashed and dehumanized.
Di/Dixie meets Garrett at the police station. He tells her he’s there to see his wife. She says she knows he’s there because Julia is in custody. She tells him she knows he’s going to kill Julia. And oh, how inconvenient for him to do that now that she’s in jail. He tells her she must hang tough because witness protection will not last forever. He tells her that he can find a way to get Dixie to spill who the dragon is. Julia tells him he must know Dixie is not about to do that. If she did, she too will be in witness protection. She tells him he used to have her trust and respect. And she just needs him to do this one last thing for her. She reminds him she could go to the cops and get him in trouble. He reminds her that she wouldn’t dare because he can hurt her much worse than she can hurt him. He asks her what Dixie’s family will do when the find out that Dixie Cooney’s greedy phony half sister took her life. She tells him maybe she can give up her “new life” in order to save Julia. He knows she’s bluffing. And right then, Tad enters, asks if she is ok and what is going on. Oh, she’s not about to dare Garrett to expose her. Right then the feds take Julia out of Pine Valley. Tad and Dixie watch. He asks her how she can sit by and watch this happen to Julia. And right then, she’s just about ready to tell him. He assures her that he will protect her, nail this bastard, put him away. Julia will have her life and they will have theirs’ together. She then tells him that she talked Kevin into talking to the main guy. But she doesn’t know that Kevin is dead and that Tad knows she’s lying. Garrett goes to talk to Mimi about where to go on the their honeymoon. But isn't she just playing into his hands telling him she must postpone it while she investigates this case.
Right when the feds are driving Julia off, they have mechanical failure. ANd she appears to have an attack of some sort. They let her out of the car and she comes behind a dude and knocks him out. She then hitch-hikes. ANd guess who is there to pick her up. None other than Mr. Sleezeball Perv who wants to kill her himself! Gotta love it! ONLY on SOAPS.
Right when Kendall and Greenlee are talking about how Dr. Madden was able to implant 4 eggs in Kendall, and Greenlee tells her she must eat and rest because she might be eating for five, Erica walks in and asks what they are talking about. They make up a story about having a dinner party. Erica then asks why Greenlee was treating Kendall like an invalid. ANd she reveals to them that she was at the fertility clinic and found her wallet. She seems to know the two of them are keeping something from her.