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All My Children Update for Thursday, 29-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sat, 01-Oct-2005 5:10:10 PM PDT

Erica runs into Dr. Madden at the restaurant and tells him she does not appreciate him keeping secrets from her. She knows there’s something going on with Greenlee and Kendall that he knows about and is not telling her. He tells her he cannot breach doctor-patient privilege and tell her what is going on in regard to Greenlee’s efforts to get pregnant with Ryan’s baby and how Kendall is involved in it. She tells him that she’s concerned about Jack’s inability to accept Greenlee so much as carrying Ryan’s memory, much less his child. Hearing that, Dr. Madden tells Erica he can “help” her with that. He tells her he does not understand why her husband cannot be supportive to his daughter having a child, regardless of circumstances. And why can’t Jack see that all babies are miracles. He asks?

Kendall reveals to Greenlee that Zach might be more to her that just a business partner she’s married to.

After Babe has told David that she’s going to marry JR whether he approves or not, he blurts out to JR what his daughter’s plans are. Babe is angry. But JR surprisingly almost considers it although he won’t let on to anybody about that.

Right when Julia believes she can trust Garrett, she discovers a dragon tattoo on his back. When he tells her he needs to go and shower, she goes through his stuff and makes a mad dash to escape his pad. And he holds a gun on her. She tells him if he does not kill her, she will kill him because of Noah. She knows he’s responsible for her husband’s death. But he reveals that his gun is not loaded and he does not intend to kill her after all. He tells her that throughout the last 9 years, he’s been tracking her every move and has protected her. SHe then runs off to the bedroom. He locks her inside. SHe pounds on the door. RIght then, Dixie (Di) calls Garrett and comes over to his pad where he's holding Julia.

Dixie is ready to tell Tad who is threatening Julia. But she knows of the consequences Garrett has threatened her with. So she tells him that he may find out from that Alfred dude what is in the letter she wrote. Alfred reveals to Tad that both he (Tad) and Zach Slater have an obsession about the letter.

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