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All My Children Update for Monday, 3-Oct-2005
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Posting date: | Mon, 03-Oct-2005 3:36:22 PM PDT |
Erica goes to ask Kendall why it is that her entire life is wrapped up in Greenlee. She wonders why Kendall accompanies Greenlee to Dr. Madden’s fertility clinic and just what this “thing” is that is going on between those two. Kendall does not tell her mommy that she’s carrying Greenlee’s baby. But Erica knows that something is up. She goes and tells Josh that she needs his help in regard to her daughter. From what Kendall has told her in regard to loving Greenlee and Greenlee loving her and spending all their time together, she suspects that Kendall could be gay. Kendall has had a terrible history with men, married Zach for the sole purpose that she knew she could not love him, and she says she “love” Greenlee. The other night she caught them rubbing each other’s feet. That’s something that heterosexual buddies don’t do. She asks Josh to “find out” if Kendall is gay. He agrees to do so, albeit uncomfortably.
While locked inside that gate that Alfred has had them locked inside, Zach reveals to Tad that neither he nor the late great Kevin Sturgis are the loves of “Dixie’s” life. The dragon is. Tad must know that when she disappeared three years ago, she got mixed up in this whole scene. Of course, Tad does not want to believe that and he reminds Zach that Dixie may be “pretending” to love the dragon, so that she can save Julia’s life.
While Garrett has Julia and Dixie stuck together in his “pad”, Dixie tells Julia she must trust her. She tells Julia that she better not mess with Garrett. The dude ain’t stupid. You can’t “outsmart” him so easily. That’s why he’s remained untouchable all this while. Julia says she’s going to get that slime ball. But Dixie tells her they need to go to the cops when they get out of there and not take matters into their own hands. She reminds Julia that she knows Garrett very well and Julia will need her help if she wants to defeat him. And reminds Julia that she is the only thing that could be preventing her from being an unmarked grave. She tells Julia what she knows in regard to Garrett. He likes to be in control of everything. He likes to charm women. He knows how to act courteous and generous in order to attract and win the trust of impressionable young women. She reminds Julia that they are both too old for him to want sex from them. He likes them younger. What he wants from them is to be their lord, their master. He wants them to think he’s beaten them. And as soon as he starts thinking that, they can beat him. She reveals to Julia that she was “with” Garrett until she became able to think and do for herself. Then he had no more use for her. Julia then realizes that Dixie could not have met Garrett at age 17, like she said was the case. She knows that Dixie was still in Pigeon Hollow then. Dixie then admits that Dixie Cooney Martin did not have this experience with Garrett. And she admits to Julia that she has stolen a dead woman’s identity. Hearing that, Julia assumes that Dixie (the phony one) is working for Garrett and it’s his idea for her to falsify her identity. And Garrett must have asked Dixie to brainwash and trick Julia. Julia then attempts to strangle Dixie. But Dixie is able to explain to Julia that she just kind of “stumbled” upon Dixie’s life. Garrett threatened to expose her if she exposed him for being responsible for Noah’s dead. So, she admits to Julia, she did not reveal that Garrett was the dragon, for her own selfish reasons. But now, she knows they are in the same boat and they should team up. She tells her they must make Garrett believe he’s got them where he wants them.
Babe goes to find her mommy and informs her what David revealed to her. The woman in question is Di Henry, Dixie’s half-sister. She was adopted by a family named Kirby. Although Krystal did not find out anything from Dell, Babe tells her mother that David knows what he’s talking about because Dixie informed him about all of that from Switzerland. Adam overhears their conversation when Krystal tells Babe that Adam was right with what he suspected. He asks what she’s talking about. She tells Adam that her private conversation with her daughter was about how he grossed her out when they were sleeping in the same bed together last night. When she’s alone, she gets on the phone and leaves a message for Tad. She knows that this will really devastate him. But she cannot bring herself to tell him that Dixie is a fake. Tad then gets a letter from the woman whom he blieves is Dixie. She tells him she’s going to send the “important” letter soon. And that she is right now in pursuit of the dragon. But she does not tell him who the dragon is.