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All My Children Update for Thursday, 6-Oct-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Thu, 06-Oct-2005 12:02:53 PM PDT

Erica goes to confront Dr. Madden telling him how dare he play God with her daugher. She belives that he is just using Kendall a a scientific experiment and does not care about the damage it will cause her. Her. He tells her that he has an honorable profession and he carefully and thoughtfully went thorugh all the proper procedures before making the decision to implant Kendall. He even gave her a thorough psychological evaluation. Erica tells him that that right there proves all the more how incompetent he is. HE must know how emotionally messed up Kendall is. She was the product of a rape and has serious issues with trust, loving and being loved. She was devastated when Greenlee took Ryan from her. And now to be carrying Ryan’s baby and then having to give the baby back to Greenlee will blow her to pieces.

Greenlee tells Kendall that she wants them to go on a trip to Nova Scotia to surprise Erin Lavery. Kendall tells her they cannot do that. Erin did not leave a phone number nor tell Greenlee she wanted to see her. She does not know if all of Erin’a marbles are together. Yes, it sucks to be waiting and wondering if she can really have Ryan’s baby or not. But going and sneaking up on somebody and making surprise visits is not the answer.

Meanwhile, after Jonathan has had his surgery, he tells Ryan he wants to go back to Pine Valley and see Greenlee. Erin wonders why they cannot do that. But Ryan tells them he cannot. Jonathan remembers Lily and how he scared her and caused her to see red.

When Zach is alone in his office, Sam, Lily and Anita enter and tell him he better not exploit Julia. Sam is ready to deck him. Anita asks Zach where her sister is and he has to admit he does not know.

When Kendall is gone and Greenlee is alone, Greenlee gets on the phone and books a flight to Nova Scotia.

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