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All My Children Update for Thursday, 23-Mar-2006

Author: jenn65360
Posting date: Thu, 23-Mar-2006 11:43:02 AM PDT

Ryan and Kendall go to Dr. Madden's office for a regular exam. Dr. Madden was not expecting Ryan to come. Ryan says he want to be there with her all the way. They all walk into his office. There are the Rivingtons, the couple Dr. Madden thinks is perfect to adopt the baby. Kendall and Ryan are suprised...as this is unexpected. Ryan just states that if the decide to give their baby up, they will call the Rivingtons. The couple leaves and Kendall explodes at Madden. Ryan claims that Kendall was set up by him. Kendall says Madden crossed the line. Kendall goes in for her exam. Afterwards, Madden apologizes to Ryan.

Zach goes to visit Janet in jail. Zach informs Janet that she killed his son in the explosion and asks why. She claims her innocense that she did not kill anyone. She is in jail to be protected from everyone on the outside. He demands why she did it. She claims she did what she did for Amanda. Zach tells Janet to imagine her daughter is at the ball with her fiance. There is an explosion and she is hurt. She has internal bleeding. She is trapped and can't be saved. And when she is all that can be done is watch her suffer. Last words are said and then there is death. Zach says, "That is what you did to my son." Janet didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. Everyone was supposed to just be afraid and regret what they had done to Amanda. Then Janet realizes Ethan did nothing to hurt Amanda. She claims, "He's dead because I killed him? Oh my gosh I killed an innocent man, your son. I'm sorry." Zach says "You really think that's what sorry feels like? You don't know nothing." Janet claims she did it out of love but it turned out wrong. The jailer comes to transport Janet to the psych ward. Janet says that it is the place where they "make me not me anymore."

J.R. and Babe exchange gifts. J.R. gives Babe an old pic of the two of them from San Diego in a frame. Babe gives J.R. a snow globe with a pic of Babe, J.R. and Little A in it. She knew the one his mom gave him had broke, but said this one was not a replacement. Jamie and J.R. sit down to talk and eat chocolate chip cookies with no nuts like when they were younger. They each say how they miss doing that.

Dixie comes in and meets up with Del and Di. Dixie asked Di who knew of her existance? Di asks Dixie if she plans on making a big scene. Dixie says her boy is getting married...how can she miss out on that? She planned on hiding somewhere where she could see and hear the ceremony. Di and Del say how David has been asking about Dixie. Dixie says don't worry about David, he is taken care of. Then you see David tied up and gagged in a closet.

J.R. comes into Babe's room mad that David has not shown up. Babe is upset but gets over it.

David gets ungagged and yells for help.

Krystal and Tad have a talk. Tad says if Adam ever gets out of line to come to him for help. Krystal admits that at first the marraige was schemed but now it is love.

Then the ceremony begins. It is a small ceremony out in the yard. Little A is the ring bearer. First Adam and Krystal give their vows. Then it is J.R. and Babe's turn. In Babe's vows she says that "Your mom is with us and always will be." Dixie begins to cry.

Afterwards Tad thanks Babe for her kind words about Dixie.

When everyone leaves Di calls out for Dixie. Dixie comes out of hiding. Di thought Dixie was going to "come out" during the ceremony. Dixie says this is goodbye. Di cries. They hug and Di leaves. Dixie leans over to pick a flower. When she stands up she is eye to eye with David.

Ryan and Kendall go back to her place. Ryan insists that she gets a new doctor.

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