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All My Children Update for Thursday, 18-May-2006
Author: |
Tashema |
Posting date: | Sun, 21-May-2006 11:15:54 AM PDT |
JR is in jail behind the bars yelling at the guard. The guard told him he has a visitor and he gets 10 minutes to meet with his visitor. Tad came through the door. The first thing he asked JR, "did Dixie say anything to you about your sister Kate?"
Dixie went to see Greg to ask him why he brought Tad into the situation about Kate.
Jonathon almost got arrested for "stalking." A young woman misunderstood his advances when he assumed she was Lily. A police officer just happened to be right there. He was about to put handcuffs on Jonathon, who was trying to explain (unsuccessfully) why he was touching the young woman. Of course, Aiden to the rescue. Aiden explains to the officer that Jonathon is looking for his girlfriend, and the young woman resembles her. He pulls out one of Jonathon's flyers and the young woman, who seems smitten with Aiden, tells the officer it was a misunderstanding. The officer lets Jonathon off with a warning. Meanwhile, Lily was getting dressed when her "Scary Man" friend barges in her hotel room. She started to get freaked out in her 'lily way'. She told him that she still had 5 minutes to go before she was finished but "Scary Man" ignored her and stayed there.
Coma Kendall wants to know what's going on and where everyone is. Julia comes in and tells Kendall everyone is still in court, trying to decide her fate. **It's as if they can read her mind**At the courthouse, everyone is anxious to hear the judge's ruling. Ryan and Zach exchange looks while Erica paces the room. The judge returns with his ruling. "These two innocent lives are loved very much, but the question is who has the legal right to make this deathly decision. I doubt is anyone will feel like a true winner."
Julia is giving physical therapy to Kendall. She's telling Kendall about things your husband does that you liked before then turn annoying. She is trying everything she can think of to get Kendall to show some signs of something. "I know what you have to do. Tell everyone what you want." (Back to the judge) "The outcome of neither choice is predestined. We can only go by odds, all odds are not a given. We know that if the medicine Kendall needs will kill the baby. We know if Kendall doesn't get the medicine, she will die. Who has the strictly legal right to make decisions regardless of the medical testimony." (Back to Julia) Julia is trying to Kendall to wake up by saying "it's your life, take control of it." Kendall is praying for help. She responds to Julia by saying (in her head) "I would wake up if I could." (Back to the judge) "Zach has the legal right to make decisions because he is Kendall's husband. However, with the paternal legal papers Ryan has filed and been granted, he is the legal guardian of his child, so Ryan's order supercedes Zach's right as Kendall's husband." **So he gets to make the decision about Kendall living or dying?? I don't understand that**
Back to JR and Tad. "When it comes to Dixie, I don't care," JR said. Tad and JR go back and forth. Tad pressing for JR to remember anything she said about Kate, and JR telling him where she hasn't been for the past four years, birthday parties, his son's birth, etc. Tad thinks they should try to find out what Dixie lost and what made her stay away for four years. He pleads with his stepson, "Please help me.
We have to find out what happened because that will help us get through this. If Kate was a part of the reason we should know why." JR is unmoved.
Dixie and Greg exchange heated words. She tears into him about being such a bad person and he strikes back with, "if I'm so bad, why didn't you tell Tad Kate was alive?" He was basically telling her he sees through her myth and is unmoved by her memory (the whole halo-sporting saint Dixie). He says she is the bad person, not him.
Back to Lily/Jonathon/Aiden. "Scary Man" said he gave Jonathon the message (about meeting her at the library) and Jon allegedly told "Scary Man" to tell Lily to come home as soon as she can. That left Lily confused, saying that her going home wasn't a part of their plan and he must have done a 180 because of her father's influence. "Scary Man" said young men are rarely in a relationship for the long haul. (Lily didn't get that expression). He said relationship are more than young men can handle. Lily understands and said her father made her and Jonathon's relationship difficult.
Zach's lawyer said the court should've never ruled against them and they will immediately appeal. Zach responded with, "it'll be too late." At the same time, Erica thanked Livia for a job well done.
Lily wanted clarification, but "Scary Man" said a clean break is helpful **sidenote: why are they making Lily go through all this drama?? She has autism spectrum disorder, can't she just get a few moments of non-dramatical life??? of course not...this is the stories...everything has to be dramatic** Lily agreed and asked for train money to go to Boston. "Scary Man" is pretending to care and asks her if she sure she wants to leave. She said yes and said 85 dollars is all she needs. He said he's short as he sifts through a few $100 bills in his wallet. He said he has to go to the ATM and he'll give it to her later.
Jon and Aiden discuss Lily. Aiden tries to make Jonathon see that him and Lily have special needs and life is hard on your own. He asks "Will you be able to take care of Lily? Get a job? Pay bills?" Aiden is trying ot use life to get in the way. "You both don't have the skills to make it" said Aiden. Jonathon gets offended (who wouldn't) and says they will make it.
Jr to Tad, Dixie started to tell him about Kate, but he stopped her because he doesn't care. He told Tad to get out of his life. Tad says are you sure that's what you want.
Dixie said to Greg that she doesn't have to explain herself to him. He said no, but you do have to explain to Tad and you didn't. You didn't tell him anything. He said "did you do the right thing, the evil is not in what I did but in what you did."
Lily goes to the library and (of course only on the stories) Jon is this close to seeing her.
Coma Kendall has to get prepped for surgery. Zach is sitting by her side (and it's like he can hear what she's thinking because of how he responds) She starts begging for Zach to do something and he leaves.
Dixie and Greg exhange insults. He calls her a horrible mother and tells her she chose her destiny. He said "our children are the best and worst parts of us, look at what JR has done lately." She said at least I can say JR is mine. Not an embryo, you stole. "Kendall is fighting for her life because of your wonderful mothering skills in JR," said Greg.
JR is taken into the courtroom where Babe and Tad sit. He says to Babe, "You did this to me. Is this how love looks to you?" The judge comes in and is charging JR with a load of charges - attempted murder, aggravated assault, etc. And of course he pleads, "not guilty"
Ryan signs the papers, extra emotional, and asks when will he know his son's chances. The doctor said it's tough to tell, but there is a long battle ahead of them. The alarms go off. All of a sudden, all the patients have to be take out as soon as possible, all non-critical patients have to be move and all visitors have to evacuate. Erica gets concerned about what's going to happen with Kendall and Julia said she will stay with her. **I have a feeling Zach is up to something**
JR's bail is set at 1.5 million dollars cash and he has to surrender his passport, just in case he was thinking of taking Little A on a mini vacation. JR just chuckles, saying he'll just take the money from his company's assets, but to his surprise, his assets are frozen, by none other than ADAM. I guess he's trying to really teach him a lesson...drinking is very very bad maybe??
When Julia tries to go into Kendall's room, the door is locked. Zach is by her bedside, holding her hand. He said, "They'll take Spike over his dead body." **Goodness I love him**