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All My Children Update for Thursday, 25-May-2006

Author: Tashema
Posting date: Fri, 26-May-2006 5:43:16 AM PDT

Binks and Erica had an argument regarding Kendall. In a way only Erica can do, she made Bianca feel guilty for not talking Zach out of keeping Kendall hostage. Bianca tried to make Erica see things from Zach's side, that he had to honor his wife's wish to keep her son. Erica went ballistic, on Bianca mind you, screaming Zach's side is keeping her daughter closed off from the real people who love her, killing her. This made Bianca run away crying. Poor girl...she just came back to see her dying sister, and her mother screams at her for no reason. Ryan went after Bianca, while Erica went up to Josh asking him about an experimental procedure and if it would save Kendall.

In Coma Kendall's hospital room, Julia holds a gun on Zach. She tells him not to make her shoot him, she will. Zach said to her go ahead, put him out of his misery. He said he promised Kendall he would take care of her and Spike. Spike needs to stay in Kendall in order to survive and even though it's killing him to watch his wife die, he has to keep his word. *Really how can you be mad at this guy?? REALLY*

Evil Dr. Greg got a visit from Tad regarding his daughter. Tad greeted Greg with a punch in the face. Greg tried to tell Tad that Dixie is delusional and Kate died. Tad burst his little bubble and told him Dixie told him (Tad) everything about Kate and he knows she's alive. Greg told Tad it was Dixie's choice to give up her child. Tad said Greg took advantage of Dixie when she was vulnerable and thought she was dying and used that to take their child. Tad asked what about him. He was Kate's father. Greg said that Tad was not a option. Threats were exchanged and Tad told him he will make his life a living hell if Greg sends him on a wild goose chase.

Di got a visit from Dixie. Dixie wanted Di to comfort Tad because she told him why she stayed away. Di didn't trust her lying sister, and for good reason, but she still listened to what Dixie had to say. As Dixie was telling Di, Del walked in. Dixie told them both that they have a niece and Kate was alive. They were of course shocked. Del offered to beat Greg up, and Di was just upset that Dixie did that much damage to Tad and JR, keeping them in the dark about Kate.

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