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All My Children Update for Tuesday, 30-May-2006
Author: |
Tashema |
Posting date: | Wed, 31-May-2006 6:14:46 AM PDT |
Ryan and Zach were beside to Coma Kendall (the entire episode). Bianca tried to comfort her mother about Ryan and Zach doing the right thing as far as Kendall, but to no avail. Josh and Bianca spoke briefly about Kendall's state, but Josh didn't give Binks false hope...he said it could go either way. Erica was beginning to get desperate, so she sought after Dr. Madden and demanded he save Kendall and Spike. Madden, giddy as ever about the position he was in, declined to help Erica. So of course, Erica threatened Madden's life as Josh and Binks overheard.
Amanda and Madden spoke about him leaving PV. He told her he wasn't leaving her and he wanted her to join him (SAY IT WITH ME...IIIILLLLLKKKKK!!!) Jamie and Julia were making out on the beach...sans clothes??? Julia finally pulled away *HOW OLD IS JAMIE??*** They (somehow) managed to talk about Amanda becoming a surrogate for Madden. And Julia-the stopper of all evil-said they had to stop that from happening. So off they Save the Evil duo were.
Babe accepts JR's apologies and says she must be crazy because she believes him (that he's changed). **yeah she must be...he did try to kill her** but even though she can't see her life without JR, Babe doesn't know how they will get back to how they were before **when** They decide to try for the sake of Little A. They went back to the Chandler Mansion. Everyone was surprised to see JR & Babe walk in together. JR explained how Stuart posted his bail on conditions and he plead guilty to attempted murder. As Adam heard the news, his head was spinning. But JR told him he had to face the music and take responsiblity for his actions. Adam, of course, is going to try to keep his son from doing time...and I'm sure it won't be by any legal means...
Tad and Dixie discussed Kate at Tad's PI office. They argued a bit about the information Tad punched out of Madden about Kate. With a lot of convincing, Tad let Dixie in on the phone call to a potential adopted daddy. The potential told Tad he adopted a baby girl from Madden four years ago. That was enough evidence for Tad to book a meeting and board a private plan that day. Dixie, whom wasn't invited, boarded the same plane.**Not too private, huh Tad??** She said Tad would have to shoot her in order to get her off. Apparantly that wasn't necessary because later they discussed the possiblity of meeting their daughter.
Throughout the episode, threats on Madden's life were coming from all over the place...Erica, Jamie...I see a plot of whodunit coming on thick!!