SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


In a post on the Community Board, I posted this in a thread...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Sun, 06-Oct-2024 9:29:50 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In reply to: 🥴 October Politics Post 🦨 posted by Antwon
about the dockworker strike ending:

SUBJECT: Because of my job in the government, I couldn't join a union...

MESSAGE: However, I seriously think that the selfishness in the country is truly slowing things down and keeping status quo successful.

"The Greatest Generation," the ones who fought or were around in WWII, was much more selfless than the majority of the current generation. Even in today's modern, all-volunteer military, many people are not joining the military for selfless reasons. They're joining to further a personal goal - college education costs, the ability to get a VA home loan, skills training (the Timothy McVeighs of the world), to get away from their small town, etc. It's not to be of service to the nation.

No unions in the military...although the National Guard in Texas was talking about forming a union because they were so poorly used, and often for publicity stunts, by Governor Abbott.

"Rugged individualism" is code for "abject selfishness." It's the slogan of the Republican Party. (Oops, slipped into politics on the Community Board.)

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