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Tennessee Fall Weather Report!

From: Sparky Find all posts by Sparky Send private message to Sparky
Date: Thu, 24-Oct-2024 9:54:00 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: WE ARE BACK-Half of the Week of October 21st POTPOURRI posted by chloe
We have had beautiful weather as well.

Temps have been reaching almost 80 most afternoons this week. It has been great for me and the oldest granddaughter to be able to get out and stack wood for winter. This isn't easy work but it is necessary to get prepared to feed the furnace when it gets cold later. Using the furnace to heat saves a lot in electric cost during the colder weather.

We also want to get this done before the time changes and we don't have time in the afternoon.

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