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Hah--so true! And honestly, after 30+ years of LABOR (not just

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 25-Oct-2024 1:09:12 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WE ARE BACK-Half of the Week of October 21st POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: To have a job is to have complaints lol. posted by Sparky
"work"), I'm just...kinda done. I just wanna be retired and do what I want with my time but I ain't a Rockefeller (or a Gates or a Buffet) so that's not an option.

I will say a few positive things about my job...first, the customers haven't been as bad as I'd feared going in. The charming, "Hallmark-y" small town where the store is located is known for rich beyotches, so I was a little worried I'd be dealing with some very unpleasant people but really, 80% of them--maybe 90%--have been absolutely lovely. Second, my co-workers (other than SM) are overwhelmingly lovely as well. There's one I adore, three I really like, one who's pretty nice when she's not complaining about something (unfortunately she's usually complaining about SOMETHING) and one I don't really know very well yet as we only work together a couple times a month (she has a Monday-Friday job and only works at the store every other weekend). She's rather shy but that kind of works in my favor when we're closing on a Saturday night and nobody's in the place because she'll retreat to her area and completely ignore me, not unkindly.

And third...oh my goodness, the clothes I've gotten from these ladies! Almost all of them are guilty of buying waaaaaay too many store items and all have worked long enough to amass multiple closets worth of work clothes. One woman (the one I adore) is roughly my size and has given me four long-sleeved "layering" tees (because we're supposed to wear as many layers as possible at work so we can convince customers that they too need to wear multiple layers and buy them all at our store), plus a black turtleneck sweater and a gorgeous moto jacket (this exact one, actually, only in dusky rose [link] ), AND she's bringing in a blue cashmere sweater she no longer wants. She actually gave me more clothes but told me to pass along what I didn't want, so my good church friend got a couple ponchos and a couple layering tees, and then SHE passed along a few more shirts and sweaters to some ladies in her Sunday school class. Another co-worker (the complainer, actually) just gave me a pair of jeggings (slightly big but they look fine under a long top), a pair of nice pants (ankle length but great with the right shoes), a nice heavy black jacket and a leopard-print blouse (leopard print is practically our uniform <g>). I turned down a skirt (too tight) and a necklace (super heavy, plus my hair got caught in it). And of course the lovely "M" (84 years young and an absolute pistol of a woman) gave me 11--11! --tops, plus three ponchos, one of which I'm probably going to pass along (it has fringe. A LOT of fringe...), a sweater...oh, and another short-sleeved top I'm going to see if my good church friend wants.

I'm hoping to stay just long enough at this job to score some more winter sweaters...😁

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