SoapZone Community Message Board


You have nailed *exactly* my "problem" (and it is MY problem)

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 30-Oct-2024 9:40:33 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: I’m having a bit of a problem with respecting people’s pronouns. posted by AmberRedux
with the non-binary preference of using they/them. It conflicts with my English degree training, plus it occasionally confuses me when I'm reading a story about someone who's non-binary and they're referred to as they/them/their, etc. But I absolutely WILL use the pronouns you wish me to use, even as a part of me wishes that ze/zhey/zhem was more the standard for non-binary folks.

And please, somebody needs to come up with a gender neutral term of respect because although I wasn't raised in the South, I was raised by a Southern(ish) mama and a daddy who was in the military, so "sir" and "ma'am" roll naturally off my tongue.

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