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Sure. People have reverted to “they” for the unknown forever.

From: AmberRedux Find all posts by AmberRedux Send private message to AmberRedux
Date: Thu, 31-Oct-2024 3:23:03 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: But 'they' as a non-gender-specific pronoun is very old. posted by K_StillNotOver2016
Or at least as long as I have been alive, which sometimes feels like forever. But I digress.

Sure. People have done that. Other people. I avoid it any and every way possible and will call the pharmacist “the pharmacist” before using “they.” Even in casual speech, I tend to speak a little more formally than the average bear. I realize that’s a weird quirk. Feel free to point and laugh. 🙂

But I’m not having any problem using “they/them.” I was just sharing my initial, internal reaction to that change. As I said, I’ve made my peace with it.

My problem is that, as a polite Southern girl, I routinely address strangers as ma’am and sir. As in “Thank you, ma’am,” or “Excuse me, sir.” Only I am now aware that, despite their appearance, the people I’m addressing may not identify with “ma’am” or “sir.” I’m trying to do better, but it’s HARD after decades of being old-fashioned polite.

This is where I struggle the most as well. There's no good equivalent that I'm aware of to "sir" or "madam" or "miss" or "ms." So if I'm trying to get someone's attention, I struggle...especially when they present as one gender over another.

I go with “Excuse me?,” but yes, my instinct is to add a respectful sir/ma’am to the end of that.

There are very few shorthands when it comes to a non-binary gender presentation. Unless I'm made aware, I'm more likely to screw up. And screw up I do because I tend to overthink it at times. I tell myself to be careful not to screw up and then I do.

Well. I have some free-floating anxiety, so I could probably say that last about most areas of my life. 😬

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