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Yep. It feels oddly cruel that it'd happen this week.

From: K_StillNotOver2016 Find all posts by K_StillNotOver2016 Send private message to K_StillNotOver2016
Date: Thu, 07-Nov-2024 9:16:42 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~Week of November 4th TV 📺 Post posted by Leia
In reply to: Right?! I'm there with you on it all. I'm struggling to make sense of the posted by The_Cat_Did_It
sudden u-turn it's taken writing wise.

I don't think they could have written Tommy as a better partner. It feels like the rug was pulled out from under me, and I can't even be happy about other things that happened in the episode.

Is it political? Did focus groups decide that they didn't like Buck dating men?

At least make the breakup over something like one wanting kids and the other not. At least that'd feel complete.

Man, what a crappy week. I was hoping tonight's episode would be a positive distraction but, nope, it just made it worse.

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