SoapZone Community Message Board


LOL... the husband and I drove by a neighbors house yesterday that is

From: Sparky Find all posts by Sparky Send private message to Sparky
Date: Tue, 19-Nov-2024 8:39:16 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: I've never seen Home Alone (and don't really have a desire to see it) posted by Wahoo
fully decked out for Christmas...

I said "Evil Thanksgiving Skippers!"

That being said... I am already watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music on my radio... but only because there are no Thanksgiving movies or Thanksgiving music on the radio.

My house is fully Thanksgiving decorated and will be until Black Friday... and starting Black Friday I will start watching nothing but Christmas movies (and General Hospital of course)... until Christmas day....

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