SoapZone Community Message Board


Short answer: yes. And I will tell you what I tell my customers

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 21-Nov-2024 9:01:00 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: I think the furry purses people are carrying now are so cute... but I posted by Sparky
when they come into the shop and see all the beautiful, sparkly, shiny clothes and then complain about having nowhere to wear them: wear (or in this case carry) what you want, wherever you want, and if it makes you happy, who cares what others think?

Granted, I've not swayed a ton of people by telling them they can wear those beautiful, sparkly, shiny clothes to the grocery store or to walk the dog, but it doesn't change the sentiment!

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