SoapZone Community Message Board


Good day,SZ!

From: Bunky Find all posts by Bunky Send private message to Bunky
Date: Fri, 22-Nov-2024 10:48:46 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
Nothing much going on on the home front..just thought I'd pop in and say hi 👋

As some of you may or not know-i left my job a week ago or so. I decided to take a break and go job hunting after the holidays.

Thanksgiving will be quiet this year as we won't be going to bil house in Oklahoma. Him and the wifey have Covid BAD. So we'll have TG a week after.

Oh and I'm halfway done with my Christmas shopping. I'm getting two of my kids new luggage -while the other two will get cash.
That's about it here.

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