SoapZone Community Message Board


OMG 😳😂😂😂

From: Bunky Find all posts by Bunky Send private message to Bunky
Date: Mon, 09-Dec-2024 10:39:41 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF DECEMBER 9th POST~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: A funny story for your Monday morning...I'm officially an old lady <g> posted by Wahoo
I have you beat though.

One day while at the pool(this was many moons ago)I was wearing a bikini and somehow my top had come undone and yep-gave everyone a show 🫣😳😳😳😂😂😂
The pool area wasn't crowded -there were a few people there.
I just looked down,and whoops! So I just quickly tied it...

Of course,I was flat chested then(even when pregnant -which I was).

If it were to happen now I'd be channeling Rachel Green with,"eh,I have nice ones anyway."

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