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I've considered joining the Y but it would cost at least $50/month

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 27-Jan-2025 3:52:55 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: LAST WEEK OF JANUARY POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: I have the opposite problem — not enough hours in the day to do everything posted by Kitchop
no matter which branch I join, and I know me; it'd be something unique and fun for the first few months and then I'd find excuses not to go.

I’m also a big movie fan so I go out to movie theaters on a regular basis but also catch up on movies at home via OnDemand or DVD. I also usually have about five TV shows that I’m loosely binging. Right now, for example, I’m in S2 of Breaking Bad and I can’t wait to get to the next episode.

I wish I liked movies more, as they're an excellent time waster. And as mentioned, with the exception of The Umbrella Academy, there's no show airing right now (either currently or On Demand/on a streaming service) that's really capturing my interest. I've already seen the first three seasons of TUA; the fourth is the final season and is only 6 episodes long :-(

As you know, my sister lives on my block, so we get together to play dominoes or some other game and sometimes make dinner together. Any chance of getting your dad to play dominoes? Or what about your BFF, church friends, workmates or neighbors? Any chance of getting any of them interested in a game night?

Dad doesn't play dominoes. Once in a great while, I can get him to play a game of Yahtzee and that's about it. We have an occasional game night at church; I've been meaning to check it out. But that would only help with the boredom one night ever few months. None of my local family or friends are into board games and I don't relish the idea of playing with strangers, hence why I play online games.

I’m fairly politically active so that sends me down some rabbit holes of lengthy discussion, both online, on the phone or in person over coffee or a margarita or wine.

Discussing politics is something I usually actively try to avoid, even when talking with someone who shares my views 😆

For the last few years, I’ve either taken a vacation to Mexico or been at my mom’s house in FL during a chunk of the coldest weather. Winter vacations help a lot. I just got back from Mexico late Friday evening and I’m already planning my next trip. The flight was free using JetBlue points and we spent so little money while eating and drinking well every day that I came home with over 7000 pesos that are tucked in my passport for a trip in May or June. I’ll use JetBlue points for that flight too. So I’m working on perfecting the art of living well while traveling on a budget. I would love to get to the point where I could just live in Mexico for a few months in the winter.

That would be lovely!

If all else fails, I work on decluttering and organizing my apartment.

Yeah...trying not to use that option <g>.

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