Today, the framing began for the patio.
Tomorrow they'll be back to tamp down the dirt.
Wednesday they'll do the rebar and hog wire placement with the ties to the foundation of the house.
Friday (scheduling issue caused the gap) they will pour the concrete.
They'll take pictures in between and send them to the city for record purposes instead of having an inspector come to the site to look. The landscaper said he'd send me a set of pictures, too, for my records.
As part of the work, the landscaping team washed down the sides of the room and house that face the patio area. Unfortunately, while washing the single door, some water ran into the room. That ain't right. I sent the contractor a note and let them know that the door they'd "fixed" so it was easier to open now leaks at the bottom. Good thing to find out before I write the final check.
The concrete will set over the weekend, then they'll do a bit of last minute stuff, then the contractor will return to do what they have to do.
Soooo close to finishing this! Then we only have to buy stuff that goes into the room like a sofa, a lift table, some cabinets, granite countertops, window treatments (taupe venetian blinds like we have in the front of the house), and possibly something like a Roomba to eat the dust and grime that the dogs bring into the room.
Despite the trips in and out to work on the project, the dogs will not be locked out of the backyard yet. They'll just be locked out over the weekend. They even put down a 2X6 in front of the walk through gate to keep the dogs in the side yard. I had to resecure the doublewide gate with netting and pavers to make sure the dogs don't dig under it.
Extreme progress!!!