I also am pleased that the game showed what I have said all season - the Chiefs are NOT as good as their record portrayed them to be. Sports radio this morning called them a "house of cards" and I totally agree. They won half their games on pure dumb luck (which I referred to as the golden horseshoe up their ass). I was a little surprised the Bills weren't able to take them out in the AFC championship but it was at least a close game.
I've felt all season that they keep being referred to as this great team but their playing didn't back it up. I mean, the Panthers - the PANTHERS - nearly beat them back in November. The PANTHERS.
It also didn't help them that Kelce has been IMHO playing like crap all year. He's had a few good catches but he has not been nearly as good this year as in previous years. I was wondering if they won if he would retire, it's possible he still will but I'm guessing he'll play at least one more year. I'm the rare person that loves him EXCEPT when he's on the field. I listen to the podcast he and his brother Jason do (I freaking LOVE Jason Kelce) and I really enjoy it, but he is a total a-hole on the field, I especially hate it when he plays my Ravens. I also love him and Taylor together. Which, funnily enough, everyone cries about them showing her during the games but I never even saw her last night, not once (I did miss all of the second quarter though and halftime, though I watched the halftime show this morning online and liked it). I don't even remember seeing her during the AFC championship, maybe once. I'm guessing the networks decided to listen to the criticism and not show her as much; it wasn't her fault she was shown, though. She was just there supporting her boyfriend.