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It's a start - GFCI outlet installed...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Fri, 21-Feb-2025 8:10:44 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~Week of February 17th Chat Post~~~~~ posted by Leia
In reply to: We have some agreements and an impasse in other areas... posted by Justathot
Two people from the contractor's company (not the contractor who'd said that he would be here) removed the standard outlet and replaced it with the GFCI one since it's about four inches away from the place where the water lines would be for the since and is for the garbage disposal. They were supposed to be at the house at 8am and they arrived about five minutes early. Not bad. Then one of them knocked on the door to the kitchen to let me know that they'd be back because...they'd forgotten to bring the outlet cover for the GFCI outlet which is different from the regular outlet cover. <SIGH> Details? They don't do them. The job was done when I got home later that morning, so one thing off the list.

I sent a copy of the correction sheet to the HVAC people who are coming to the house Monday to face plate the heat pump...can't help ya. I'm hoping that seeing the write up will make it clear what they need to bring and do, so they won't "fix" the wrong thing and still not pass because the thing they did was nice, but it wasn't what was in the write up.

I texted the contractor to let him know that the GFCI had been done, he should know because they were from his company, and I'd give him an update as things were done. He texted back to give him as much notice as possible. (No clue what that mean. When they're done, they're done.) I also recommended that he look at the work before he schedules the next inspection.

I contacted my landscaper to ask how many exterior lights he was going to put on the new cover for the patio. They block the current lights or won't light up the yard much. He said two would be enough, so I ordered them and picked them up this evening. (I'm ahead of the game!) No word on when/if he's going to send someone early to trim the bottom of the siding.

Still glad I put the stop on the check!

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