General Hospital Message Board


Still say Nina stole her husband by not telling her he was alive and starting

From: jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Find all posts by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Send private message to jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
Date: Tue, 09-Apr-2024 5:20:00 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of April 8th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Re: The new writing regime gets the side eye from me for the 1st time. 🤦🏾‍♂️ posted by Antwon
a relationship with him. Nothing will ever change my mind on that. Yeah, Sonny made his choices once he got his memories. But by that point they had started a relationship in NF based on Nina's lying and keeping him from his wife. Like I said, she stole her husband in NF not once he got his memories. Her initial actions set everything in motion. At the very least, you can't tell me she's blameless. Didn't you used to dislike Nina? 😆

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