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Are Felicia and Maxie for real?! GTFOH with that nonsense. So Mac doesn't

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Fri, 12-Jul-2024 1:42:58 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of July 8th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
get to be mad and hurt by the fact that his son lied to him for a year? He willingly chose money over his father. They are acting like something is wrong with Mac for not sleeping on it and being over it because it's what THEY want. Felicia and Maxie both look ridiculous here. Mac needs to let it go because THEY say so? 🤬 What Cody did IS a big deal. Mac is a grown man and whether of not forgiveness will comes or not--is his call to make. They really got on my nerves and it's only been two scenes LOL.

It's not enough that they orchestrated this phone scenario that was insultingly obvious--they are acting like Mac did something wrong here and he's the victim. Maxie is a hypocrite. Where was her compassion and forgiveness when Felicia returned for Georgie's funeral? Absent. Instead, the mourners were treated to Maxie making it all about her when Felicia had every right to attend HER daughter's funeral. She abandoned them, which was wrong. But Maxie created a moment that made even Tracy squirm.

Maxie as the fast talking busy-body has always been the reason she has annoyed me. And Felicia gets the side-eye from me because she's not being a good wife. Support your husband while he is reeling from shocking news and blatant betrayal.

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