General Hospital Message Board


Ava’s been questioned and gave her statement. If she is not under arrest, what

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Mon, 05-Aug-2024 5:31:28 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of August 5th Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
right do they have to detain her? I wish she had simply walked out. As she said, if there are questions about her statement—that’s what telephones are for!

I guess we can add grandstanding to Anna’s repertoire! 👎🏾 Ava’s lies about the tripping hazard in an innocent accident with less of a tripping hazard. All to cover up the fact that John was staying in her room?! This story sucks 🏀 ⚽️ 🏈S

ETA: I read this on another board and thought it was spot-on. They said Ava is getting the Julian treatment. Another poster said—yeah she’s getting “JEROMED!” 💯 💯 💯

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