General Hospital Message Board


I was referring to the scenes around GH's Christmas episodes. Didn't Nina and

From: Jo16 Find all posts by Jo16 Send private message to Jo16
Date: Thu, 16-Jan-2025 1:58:16 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: 🧼Week of January 13th Spoiler HP👀 posted by Antwon
In reply to: No. If he did, there would have been no need to bring it up again 1/9 see recap posted by Antwon
Willow take the kids to her home, and then Drew came over and celebrated the holidays with them? Didn't Nina contact Martin before any other attorneys were involved? I thought those actions put everything into motion with Wiley and Amelia. I did think Martin had put together some court order around that time, but it seems I was wrong about that part.

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