SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board

Subject: clarify I didn't mean that not that many people watched the debate

From: ladyday Find all posts by ladyday View ladyday's profile Send private message to ladyday
Date: Fri, 28-Jun-2024 4:03:50 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: 🍦 2024 Presidential Debate - Prep and Show 🍦 posted by Justathot
In reply to: I don’t know how many people actually watched, but according to … posted by AmberRedux
I meant that we used to watch the debates to hear two opponents tell us what their policies, etc. would be/are. Over time it has devolved into a circus.

I wasn't speaking to the numbers of people watching but rather HOW we watch them now.

[Edited by ladyday on Fri, 28-Jun-2024 4:04:44 PM PDT]
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