SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


LOL! KH 100% dog walked Trump.

From: LuvMyKidlets Find all posts by LuvMyKidlets Send private message to LuvMyKidlets
Date: Wed, 11-Sep-2024 8:58:44 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: September Politics Post! ~ 🍁 posted by Andrea
In reply to: I still expect the election to be close. But Kamala did great without a script posted by Kitchop
and she looked very presidential and strong..And young, compared to DonOLD.

KH took the opportunity to appear presidential and reach persuadable/undecided voters while Trump was reaching out to his Alex Jones base. I hope there is a second debate: the more split screens and opportunities to contrast sanity with chaos, the better.

Strongman Trump couldn't or wouldn't look her in the eyes. Putin used to do the same with HRC and Merkel. Timothy Snyder or another historian wrote Putin didn't believe the women were his peers. That's all I could think about last night.

Watching KH repeatedly inflict narcissistic injury was nothing less than cathartic.

She got him flustered and babbling nonsense: Democrats execute babies after they’re born; illegal immigrants are eating our cats and dogs; escapees from insane asylums are pouring in and taking Americans’ jobs; he’d solve complex issues like Israel/Palestine in 24 hours; he doesn’t have a healthcare plan better than the ACA but he has the concept of a plan; most Americans wanted Roe v Wade overturned; the whole world loves Trump and they are afraid of him (which in his delusional mind is a good thing); he fired everybody. The list is long of crazy things he said.

Great summary! Nothing weird to see here, right folks? Move along.

I'm still trying to figure out how a candidate whose husband is Jewish hates Israel. Oh, and Biden hates her, too, apparently.

I forget which commentator said it because I was flipping around after the debate to see more reactions, but somebody said he is a fisherman and he wishes the fish would take his bait as much as Trump took Kamala’s bait last night.

That's an apt analogy. No debate prep was going to help. Trump is pathologically incapable of not taking the bait. He's incapable of not defending his fragile ego.

Kudos to KH for not taking the bait on Trump's sexual reference, "She puts out." KH kept it about being black, and the fool entered the trap.

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