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A question for those of you old enough to have written in cursive

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 04-Jan-2024 4:39:26 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post posted by Leia
Can you still read it?

I recently found an old college notebook of mine in the attic. It was one of those 5 subject notebooks; I had notes from economy, history, psychology, great novels and something called "7 Ideas That Shook The Universe", or as I like to call it "The Class That Sunk My Academic Scholarship" (it was a science class, and it wasn't hard...I just forgot to flip over the final and answer the questions on the back, thus getting an F and bringing my grade for the class down to a C, which in turn brought my GPA down below the 3.3 I needed to keep my academic scholarship which fortunately wasn't a full ride thing, just a little extra that helped keep the cost of college down...for my parents, who paid for my education). All my notes are in cursive and as it's my handwriting, and I wrote rather neatly at the time, I can read them.

OTOH, I also found a folder with some college essays I'd turned in and on several of them, I can't read all of the professor's comments (it was several different professors). Granted, they all had not so great handwriting but there were some words I couldn't even begin to guess. I also found an envelope with pictures in it...the envelope was addressed to Mom (right after she had divorced her first husband; she was still using his last name, and the address was my grandparents' old house in town). I couldn't make out the last name of the person who sent it to her though because of the combination of cursive and "fancy" writing (because let's face it, older cursive looks more ornate than cursive in later years...or maybe I'm just more used to student cursive with its more rounded letters?).

Bonus question: can you still write in cursive? Bonus bonus question: DO you still write in cursive, other than your signature?

My answers...

1) yes, I can still read cursive...but only if it's VERY neat

2) some. There's a few letters I've all but forgotten how to make in cursive, like "Z", both capital and lower case.

3) honestly, never. My handwriting long ago became a loopy sort of printing, with a little cursive mixed in, mainly in the way I sometimes connect letters with a little swoop.

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