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One of the great mysteries of winter to me is: Where do all the shovels

From: Kitchop Find all posts by Kitchop View Kitchop's profile Send private message to Kitchop
Date: Sun, 14-Jan-2024 2:22:07 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🌨️Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Potpourri Post 🌝 posted by Leia
In reply to: Stay safe, hun! Even vehicles with decent traction aren't skid-proof posted by Wahoo
from the previous winter or snowstorm go? Why do stores like Home Depot and Walmart get mobbed with panicky people every time snow is predicted? I understand why people clamor to stock up on food when they think they may be snowed in for days. But why do people have to get new shovels every time winter weather is forecast? (I went grocery shopping here in FL yesterday and it was easy and normal. I know that grocery stores were a zoo in NYC today, even though NYC is likely not going to get much snow).

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